dear toni. please read the e-mail i have just received form the - TopicsExpress


dear toni. please read the e-mail i have just received form the home. chantelle is going for a barium meal swallow test today. they have stated that familiar people could unduly influence the procedure. i have been on a few of these tests before and i know the procedure well, now i find it odd the speech and language therapist would state this considering she has wrote a complaint about me and raised a safeguard concern. i know how chantelle will become distressed during this test because she can not swallow from a cup she has to have the barium diluted in a bottle. i have spoken to the radiographer at the hospital and he disagrees and said it will be less stressful for chantelle if i was present and because i can understand her better so will be able to give her the prompts she needs, the speech therapist lydsay anderson does not know chantelle to understand if she is becoming distressed, which could leas to a siezure. also i have a feeling she might be influencing the test to prove chantelle can not be fed by trying to give her barium through a cup, which catagoracally chantelle will not be able to drink from and will be at risk of aspirating. now for once i hope you raise my concern a.s.a.p as this is happening today and i am drawing this to your attention. the below statement from lydsay is utter nonsense and if i am not allowed to be present then i will not be accepting any test results presented after, as i will suspect it is not done fairly and chantelle was placed under undue stress. regards tina Begin forwarded message: From: DudleyStreet Westbromwich Date: 21 November 2013 08:15:44 GMT To: tina medeni Cc: [email protected] Subject: RE: Chantelle, videofluroscopy. Dear Tina, I do not know the consultants name. The speech and language team there will be carrying out the procedure and Lyndsay Anderson will be present. Our girls and Gary will be outside as sometimes the procedure can be unduly influenced if familiar people are present. The appointment is at 3.10pm at City Hospital
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 09:34:17 +0000

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