democrats controlled the presidency and both houses of congress in - TopicsExpress


democrats controlled the presidency and both houses of congress in 2008 - 09. they could do anything in the world they wanted to do and did. they rammed obamacare down our throats instead of fixing the economy or dealing with terrorism or any of the other longs lists of problems like our aging electrical grids or highways. they also had all the money in the world to do it...they used it to invest in green projects and reward obama donors. in 2010, people then said enough and kicked his ass. he and the democratic party didnt get the message. still no jobs. still no work on anything productive...just more work on passing radical anti-american agendas like gutting the military, targeting adversaries using the internal revenue service and other agencies in which he had appointed directors, banning guns and in targeting christians. in 2012, the republican establishment helped push democrats across the finish line and obama won again. the establishment republicans ran a squishy and lame candidate that they knew liberals would attack for being uber-wealthy and mormon. they knew the moral majority wouldnt want a mormon candidate because they for the most part dont agree with the mormon doctrine (which surely wasnt a better choice than the devil we have in obama and crew, but these christian conservatives fell for the trap and stayed home anyway). mitt romney of course lost in 2012. in 2014, obama and crew once again got their asses kicked by a fed up populace. this time, he didnt have the political muster to use...just a phone and a pen to sign illegal and unconstitutional executive orders. now my this what the democrats have done...governing? i call it holding a nation hostage in 2008 and 2009. i call it obstruction of justice and violating all of our civil rights since then. i wouldnt call it governing. so tell me, now that republicans (many of them conservatives instead of squishy establishment republicans) are in control of both houses of congress, why are democrats already questioning there ability to govern when they had no concern about governing themselves? they had not a thought about reaching across the aisle to compromise on anything in the last seven why should we?
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 23:42:29 +0000

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