despite this horrible toothache, the beagles and I had a great day - TopicsExpress


despite this horrible toothache, the beagles and I had a great day at the SNKC obedience/rally trials. In Rally Novice out of a possible score of 100, GCH Kirby got a great score of 98 for his first leg. CH Bowie got a 99 to finish his Rally Novice title (at 9 months old he now has a title at both ends of his name). And not to be out done by the boys, little miss Halo rocked the course with a perfect 100 and the fastest time, earning her a 1st place in the class (out of an entry of 22). Beginner Novice Obedience was next. CH Bowie and Halo were entered. out of a possible score of 200, CH Bowie earned a 194.5 and a second place in the class (entry of 15) and right behind him with a score of 193.5 and a third place was Halo.super proud of the beagle kids! pain meds and a hot rice bag on my face now.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 19:29:46 +0000

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