dharma-sangha/ This is an excerpt from the second speech that - TopicsExpress


dharma-sangha/ This is an excerpt from the second speech that Dharma Sangha gave after concluding his six years meditating. He says, "Do not call me a Buddha. I am more the level of a Rinpoche." The following talk provides many profound messages for humanity. Second speech excerpt: "Prayers of Kunchu Suma – message of peace for all living creatures and for the spiritual prosperity of humankind. Salutations to all spiritual seekers, saints, religions and all organizations. After I was commanded by the spirit to save and uplift humankind and the creatures of the world, I have abided by the promise to save the ephemeral world from the ocean of emotions and to free the world from the worldly sins. I have been meditating (dhyana) to free humankind and all living creatures. All sentient beings want to get free from worldly sorrows and pains. But by birth, they are not equipped as humankind to seek after spirituality and get free. They are also praying to God (the source/spirit). They are happy to be in this world. Humankind is creating traditions that will destroy the entire humanity and living creatures. In the name of religion killings, violence, anger, jealousy and divisions are being promoted. There is only one source; the spirit has one form; the souls of all humans are the same, only the tradition and customs are different. Always embrace the path of mercy, compassion, non-violence, peace; this is the message I want to convey to our society and to all the citizens of the world. True spirituality, the true human spirit, will always search for truth. The search for truth is the only beneficial way for humans. Despite the existence of thousands of paths, chaos, greed, attachment, anger and jealousy have imprisoned our society and humankind. In this way the world is heading towards destruction. So, it is high time that the citizens of the world think about it. Humans should never forget their ultimate spiritual duty and their society. Refrain from killings, violence, greed, jealousy, attachments and evil character. Shed tears of mercy and compassion; show to the world the way of salvation. After we die it is extremely difficult to get back a human life. Everyone thinks that we do not reincarnate after death. No, we receive a human life due to our virtuous work. We earn the fruits due to the merits of our work. Now the world is governed by three forms. The first form is greed, the second form is anger, the third form is attachment and jealousy that are ruling this world. May all the religious traditions change. All the religious people need to first find the truth and by cultivating mercy, compassion, non-violence and peace in their hearts they need to beautify the world with the way of salvation. I will continue to contemplate and meditate for the salvation of living beings by being focused in my path of wisdom until I find the ultimate form of enlightenment, the Samyak Sambodhi. Salute to the ultimate form of enlightenment and may peace be with everyone."
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 05:05:02 +0000

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