dianeravitch posted: The Florida League of Women Voters just - TopicsExpress


dianeravitch posted: The Florida League of Women Voters just released a bombshell study of charters across the state. The study shows that charter schools do not perform better than public schools; that charters are more segregated than public schools; that many charters funn Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on Diane Ravitchs blog Breaking News: Florida League of Women Voters Releases Bombshell Charter Study by dianeravitch The Florida League of Women Voters just released a bombshell study of charters across the state. The study shows that charter schools do not perform better than public schools; that charters are more segregated than public schools; that many charters funnel money to religious organizations; that a significant number of charters operate for profit; and that the charter industry has captured control of key seats in the legislature. Here is the press release. Open the links and read the study. At the end of the press release is a list of state legislators identified by the LWV with Conflict of Interest Concerns. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 27, 2014 Contact: Deirdre Macnab LWVF President Email: [email protected] Phone: (407) 415-4559 League of Women Voters Releases State-Wide Study on School Choice Tallahassee, Fla -- Twenty percent of the states charter schools close because of financial mismanagement or poor academic standards, according to the League of Women Voters of Florida after a year-long study of charter schools in 28 Florida counties. Charter schools could fill a niche in Floridas educational spectrum, but for many, their biggest contribution may be to corporate bottom lines, said Deirdre Macnab, President of the League of Women Voters of Florida. With over 576 charter schools in the state, the League of Women Voters of Florida conducted a study in order to better understand the oversight, management, accountability and transparency of charter and private schools in Florida. The study found that: Approximately one-third of charters are run by for-profit management companies. Many screen students, then drop those who are not successful, which public schools are prohibited from doing. Charters also serve particular socio-economic groups, increasing segregation in schools. Although charters tend to be smaller than traditional schools, there is no consistent difference in achievement for charter school and public school students. Many charters blur the distinction between religious and non-secular schools. Some churches receive as much as a million dollars in lease payments annually for their facilities from charter schools. In areas with declining enrollments, neither the charters nor regular public schools are large enough to adequately provide support for staff like nurses or counselors. Retaining teachers is also a problem; most charters offer lower salaries and benefits than public schools. The Leagues study produced several recommendations: Charters should be limited to those that fill unmet needs in identified local school districts. Stronger local management oversight and disclosure policies are needed. Financial mismanagement issues must be addressed, as too often the privatization of schools leads to financial abuse. For more information, including further findings and recommendations, please see the state-wide study, along with the individual studies conducted by eighteen local Leagues across Florida. ### The League of Women Voters of Florida, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. For more information, please visit the Leagues website at: TheFloridaVoter.org. FLORIDA LEGISLATORS WITH A DIRECT INTEREST IN CHARTER SCHOOLS: Conflict of Interest Concerns • Senator John Legg Chair of Senate Education Committee is co-founder and business administrator of Daysprings Academy in Port Richey. • Senator Kelli Stargel from Orange County is on board of McKeel Academies. She is on the Education Committee and sponsored the Parent Trigger Bill. • theledger/article/20130429/EDIT02/130429282 • House Budget Chairman Seth McKeel is on the board of McKeel Academy Schools in Polk County. • Anne Corcoran, wife of future House Speaker Richard Corcoran has a charter school in Pasco County. tampabay/news/education/k12/pascos-classical-prep- charter-school-delays-opening-for-a-year/1276912. Richard Corcoran is Chair of the House Appropriations Committee. • Senator Anitere Flores of Miami is president of an Academica managed charter school in Doral. • Florida Representative Erik Fresen is Chair of the House Education subcommittee on appropriations. Representative Fresen’s sister is the Vice President of Academica and is married to the president. tampabay/blogs/the-buzz-florida- politics/content/ethics-commission-clears-miami-rep-erik-fresen-alleged-voting-conflict. miamiherald/2011/12/14/2545708_p2/company-cultivates-links-to- lawmakers.html • George Levesque, Florida House lawyer cleared Erik Fresen of conflict of interest concerns over charter schools. He is the husband of Patricia Levesque, former Jeb Bush Deputy Chief of Staff and currently Executive Director of the Foundation for Excellence in Education which promotes school choice. truthabouteducation.org/1/archives/01-2010/1.html. • Representative Manny Diaz is Dean of Doral Academy, an Academica managed school. He is the leader for the new statewide contract bill in the Florida House. Doral College was cited by the Florida Auditor General for a $400,000 loan from Doral Charter High School. Conflict of Interest and procurement for Charters with federal grants: floridacharterschools.org/schools/taps/conflictinterest_att.pdf dianeravitch | May 28, 2014 at 4:42 pm | Categories: Accountability, Charter Schools, Education Industry, Florida, For-Profit | URL: wp.me/p2odLa-7ZP Comment See all comments Like Unsubscribe to no longer receive posts from Diane Ravitchs blog. Change your email settings at Manage Subscriptions. Trouble clicking? Copy and paste this URL into your browser: dianeravitch.net/2014/05/28/breaking-news-florida-league-of-women-voters-releases-bombshell-charter-study/ Thanks for flying with WordPress
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 00:31:27 +0000

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