did a bit of maths yesterday and worked out that after tonight 137 - TopicsExpress


did a bit of maths yesterday and worked out that after tonight 137 days until i have my official all clear, almost seems weird now to say soon i will be free of it, though it has not effected me for a while still strange to say it. Cant thank so many people enough, friends and family alike, obvious my dad Danny Coles for working (not just during this time but all my life) constantly bringing in money some me and my siblings had a roof over our heads and food on the table even after doctors said he should quit due to his back, brothers and sisters, Dan Coles Vikki Coles Tom Coles for keeping me laughing helping me out when i needed it and my mum Jane Coles for quitting a job she loved, all the nights staying with me at the hospital including the 2 nights of no sleep what so ever, for listening to everything i had to say no matter how random or hard it was to hear and keeping my mood as high as possible, i couldnt have got through any of it without you all, and though Chloé Hubbard wasnt with me when i was diagnosed, you quickly became a rock for me during my low points always showing me the light through the dark, all the laughs in the nearly 7 years i have been with you. Got to say Mum and Chloe got the hard side of the steroids messing up my mood :P, there are so many people i could thank from Danni Upton for a very amussing trip to the hosiptal for a routine blood test where the nurses had to take more care of him than me, all of sherington for the fun run they did to raise money for me, Giles Fern for the jobs he has giving me over the years and looking out for me like a brother and anyone that has just sat and listened to me when i need to talk, to all of you a give my biggest thanks ever, you are all the world to me and the reason i am who i am today. Love to all xxxxx
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 19:33:07 +0000

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