did anybody else catch how Brian from family guy died in a car - TopicsExpress


did anybody else catch how Brian from family guy died in a car accident, then a week later paul walker whos most known for his role as BRIAN in fast n furious also died in a car accident . Id like to know when this will end. the people doing this arent even keeping this on the DL anymore. what happened to the Americans that wouldve tore the country apart looking for these people ??? we literally have traitors running this place that are authorizing the deaths of anyone who opposes the n.w.o. we the people as a mass can ultimately take back our country buuuut instead everyones so damn consumed by their phones. were coming close to a very large event and its obvious. this one was ridiculously obvious. to everyone who believes with their heart and soul this is fake : stop being scared, do research for yourself and watch the truth unfold before you. were not living free nor are we living brave. AND the gov is trying to abolish our right to bear arms... wake up, all of you, cuz chances are if youre a free thinking imaginative person who wants nothing to do with any of this youre still a target. the idea is to control everyone and everything. which is why fb also spies on us and our browsing history. if youre in the u.s. this type of situation WILL include you, NO ONE here is exempt to whats coming. This is why we desperately need to realize whats going on and forcefully remove all who are causing this.. the poisonous foods, the chemtrails, hypnosis, all of it.. gone.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 19:53:30 +0000

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