do colors exist? The perception of light is only a neural - TopicsExpress


do colors exist? The perception of light is only a neural simulation. Light and colors do not actually exist outside our brain. Vision, is in fact, just a figment of our imagination. In other words, light is a hallucination. Many people believe that light travels along the optic nerves into the brain, and that we see light inside our brain like a projection, but that is not what is happening. What we call light is actually invisible electromagnetic energy. Invisible electromagnetic energy hits photochemical cells in the back of our eyes (retina,) which then stimulates invisible electrochemical impulses to the brain. Billions of neurons then generate the illusion of vision. Light works just like heat does. Put a flame under your finger and it burns, but the flame and heat does not travel up your arm into your brain, only electrochemical impulses travel through nerve pathways to your brain. Neurons in your brain create the sensation of pain, not the flame itself. Electrochemical impulses do not transport light or heat. The stimulus of light and heat just stimulate sensory cells; from that point on, it is electrochemical impulses that travel along a nerve pathway to the brain, not heat or light. Vision projects the sense that we are seeing outside ourselves, when in fact, we are only seeing within our imagination. A pointblank example is a dream; the dream seems as if we see outside ourselves when obviously, it is our imagination that is creating the illusion of seeing. We take vision for granted as a real thing because we can obviously see objects around us. What we do not realize is that those objects do not emit light or colors; they only emit invisible electromagnetic energy, no different from a radio wave. Our brain invents the sensations of light and colors to differentiate between trillions of minute differences in electromagnetic radiation. As an explanatory example, in sunlight, a grain of sand absorbs invisible electromagnetic energy, and reemits trillions of invisible electromagnetic waves per second. When these electromagnetic waves hit photochemical cells in our retina, they stimulate billions of invisible electrochemical impulses per second that go to the brain. In the brain, billions of neurons with trillions of axon connections to memory neurons and circuits, interpret and composes the sensation of seeing. Because everything emits invisible electromagnetic radiation, bio-photochemical cells developed to detect this radiated energy and form a pictorial map of the environment at large. Our brain invents the sensations of light, color, translucence, and perspective to create a detailed pictorial map that we use to negotiate and interact with our environment. Vision is a neural tool that quantifies vast complexities of environmental radiation into a single pictorial image. Our memory gives vision its definition. Memory defines what something is, what it should look like, and how something should behave. While our brain is formulating a pictorial image, memory is predefining and associating its meaning to the world about us. We see more out of memory than we do from the initial stimulus of electromagnetic radiation. We often see what we expect to see, than what is actually there. This is what generates optical illusions. Vision is an integrated process of electromagnetic stimulus and memory to compose a mental picture defining detail and color. The specific spectra that we see in, allows us to distinguish the most details, such as lines, edges, curvatures, and texture. If our photochemical cells were receptive to inferred radiation, we would not be able to see fine detail; instead, we would see blurs. If our eyes were receptive to X-rays, we would only be able to see highly energetic objects. Our photochemical cells developed to detect invisible electromagnetic energy between the range of 390nm to 750nm, which provides the most useful and definitive detail. We call this range of electromagnetic energy the visible spectra, or in other words, visible light. If we were looking at two side-by-side trees, one apple and the other orange, a hundred-yards away, we would not be able to tell which was which without color differentiation. Our photochemical cells and brain differentiate the minute differences in electromagnetic radiation between the apple and oranges energy output. Someone that is colorblind would not be able to tell you, which was which. Our brains ability to differentiate subtle differences gives us a keen ability to visually explore the environment around us. Nature developed this neural sensation of light and color to formulate a mental image (pictorial map,) as a survival strategy that we can use to negotiate obstacles in the environment. Many creatures use sound, touch, taste, smell, or ultraviolet or infrared wavelengths to formulate a visual sensation of obstacles around them. Vision is a neural process of interpreting sensory data through memory into a pictorial sensation of the world about us. As you can see, vision is a profound tool that integrates us into the environment at large. We see because our eyes are biological antennas that detect invisible electromagnetic radiation. Our brain works like a television set; we receive invisible electromagnetic energy, just like a TV signal, and our neural networks, just like electronic circuits, convert it into a neural image. Our brain differentiates electromagnetic frequencies into sensations we call color to distinguish detail from one object to another. Experiments demonstrate that colors and perspective can change when the contrast around them changes, conclusively showing that the brain invents colors and perspective schemes relevant to background contrast. Photochemical cells detect and convey this electromagnetic energy to our brain to express what is outside of us in a pictorial image. Since electromagnetic energy is invisible, in the absents of illumination (light, color, translucence, and perspective,) the universe in every aspect is actually opaque black. When we look at the sun, we see a brilliant light, but the sun is not shining brilliant light, it is only emitting invisible electromagnetic energy; the sun is actually totally black. The reality is that we spend our lives immersed within blackness, filled with black objects that are colliding, reflecting, absorbing and emitting invisible electromagnetic energy. The only light that actually exists is a neural simulated image (an illusion or hallucination,) no more real than the light and colors in a dream. Our brain generates a simulation of light and colors to define a pictorial image to navigate the complexities of the environment around us. In other words, our brain adds light and color to the darkness at large. For most people, imagining that light and colors only exists within our mind, and do not exist outside ourselves, is too much to comprehend. It seems absolutely counterintuitive to our everyday experience amid seeing light and colors all around us; but light and colors do not actually exist, they are solely a figment of our imagination. Our incredible brain creates the illusion of light and colors. In conclusion, light and colors are just a neurological simulation; they do not exist in the real world. The light and colors that we think we see only exist in our mind; vision is a neural hallucination of the world about us, no more real than the light and colors in a dream. The universe is actually black in all respects... because light and colors do not exist outside our mind. Additional data on Light and Colors can be found in topics, The nature of Time, and, The nature of Dreams. As well, there is an enormous amount of data on the Internet with different perspectives. Research and learn about what it is to be human, and why we believe and behave as we do. All you have to lose is ignorance. A question never asked is worth nothing, An answer never given is worth even less... What are your opinions, comments, or questions?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 13:16:47 +0000

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