dolamrothdame • 5 hours ago The sheer stupidity of fracking - TopicsExpress


dolamrothdame • 5 hours ago The sheer stupidity of fracking astonishes me. This is a no-brainer. At a time when our groundwater supplies are being seriously depleted, someone actually thinks its a good idea to contaminate what is left with benzene and the like. Id really like to do to the oil executives what happened in that otherwise lackluster James Bond film, where he put the oil executive out in the middle of a totally arid desert with a can of oil and told him to drink it. 7 • Reply•Share › Avatar cicero_confused dolamrothdame • 3 hours ago From a societal perspective, I agree with you that fracking is sheer stupidity. But from a capitalist point of view, its sheer brilliance. If you are a big company, you simultaneously (a) frack in a hurry to quickly derive as much wealth as possible from that activity, and (b) buy exclusive rights to the use (and sale) of water from areas that are still pristine. So your fracking is precipitating the shortage of water which only you and your kind will be in a position to provide, allowing you to jack up the price of H20. As long as we are not rebellious like the folks from Cochabamba, business should be sweet. By the way, it is because of examples like this, where societal interest is clearly in direct opposition to private financial interests, that I believe capitalism is inherently destructive and must be retired, the sooner the better. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar Leland Mellott • 5 hours ago How many people around this world are having their lives shortened at all times? What are the ways in which this is being accomplished? Who is doing it? The intention to kill does kill, eventually. 3 • Reply•Share › Avatar dkshaw • 3 hours ago People who live in close proximity to natural gas drilling sites are significantly more likely to report skin and respiratory problems than those who live further away, according to the largest survey to-date of the reported health effects of people exposed to fracking. And in ten or fifteen years when we see the cancer clusters appear we will be told that there is no evidence linking those cancers to the fracking chemicals or the petroleum and gas products found by the drilling. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar revlimid • 4 hours ago A country that goes to war periodically using their troops as cannon fire for no good reason killing millions in Vietnam and several hundred thousand in Iraq should not be bothered in the least if fracking causes serious health problems including cancer. The number one value in America is now and has always been corporate profits. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar invictus2 • 4 hours ago More capitalist death and destruction. I live upstream from Pennsylvania and Ohio fracking. Ive noticed on heavy overcast days, resperatory stress. I jog on clear days effortlessly. Im betting their is a causal relationship. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar spotlessmcpartlandattacks • 5 hours ago If Wall Street had to pay for the health costs of fracking, it would stop today. mcp 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar raydelcamino spotlessmcpartlandattacks • 4 hours ago Wall Streets medical, insurance,drug and information technology sectors MAKE BOATLOADS OF MONEY from health costs, with much of that money coming from those of us who pay taxes.. If fracking causes more illness Wall street loves it. 2 • Reply•Share › Avatar nick quinlan raydelcamino • 4 hours ago ...
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 22:07:21 +0000

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