Update on our project- pictures to come! - TopicsExpress

   Update on our project- pictures to come! :) This Donors Choose project has been such a blessing! I told my kids about the project around the second week of school. We began learning all of our new reading centers and I explained our listening centers that would soon come. They were so amazed that people they had never met, introduced as my amazing family and friends of Facebook, would buy us things when they had never even met us. We thought they would arrive in around 3 weeks, but to our surprise, they arrived much sooner! One little lady saw a picture I had posted online when I received our MP3 players that night and exclaimed, Already?! and was described as very excited by her mom. My kids were beyond ecstatic to be introduced to our new center! They feel like it is a movie in a book! I was surprised with how careful and protective they were as a whole. They take such good care of all the materials and really appreciate them. Our reading instruction is enhanced in so many ways through this funded project. Students who would never have had the opportunity to sit down to a book of their interest are now independently enjoying these stories that were purchased. I see many kids now showing so much pride in reading a book by themselves. They love the independence of the listening centers and the stories are truly brought to life through the read words and added sounds. I have also found that our reading instruction can now be more focused. Because our students are so engaged independently, I find that I can spend more attention on my small groups, providing more intensive instruction, knowing that my independently-working students are engaged and learning. They have come to me on several occasions wanting to discuss a book they listened to, asking questions, making connections, and truly enjoying a book in a way they may not have been able to do on their own. When listening to these stories on our MP3 players, our kiddos are listening to modeled fluency, repetition of sight words and expression. They are able to think more in depth about the story and discuss this with other students on their own. This project has added an amazing new element to our instruction that has positively impacted our classroom more than I expected. They are showing responsibility in taking care of their new reading materials, pride in their reading, and deepened thinking beyond just the words in the story. This has been a truly amazing gift to our class that will continue to provide a wonderful element to our balanced literacy instruction. A simple thank you does not begin to express the influence this has created in Mrs. Mossholders classroom. With gratitude, Mrs. Mossholder
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 00:37:59 +0000

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