dont you guys miss the good old days? nothing ever went wrong back - TopicsExpress


dont you guys miss the good old days? nothing ever went wrong back then, everything was in the 80s when the CIA traded guns to south american death squads for cocaine it would import and then arrest people for using while overthrowing democratically elected governments in the region, or the 70s and 60s when tens of thousands died in vietnam for no real reason and we installed a brutal puppet regime in iran. or the magical 50s, 40s, 30s, and 20s, those are the golden ages of america back when women couldnt vote, blacks had to sit at separate tables, and being gay was a crime punishable by chemical castration and communism scared people so much they shoved the word god into the pledge because if you said god twice a day then joe mccarthy couldnt arrest you on trumped-up charges. and that guy saddam who we put in power seems like such a nice fella. yup those were the days all right...
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 13:17:32 +0000

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