downtrend Elementary School Kids Have Their Lunches Seized And - TopicsExpress


downtrend Elementary School Kids Have Their Lunches Seized And Thrown In The Trash By Brian Anderson on January 30, 2014If you owe some money to a loan shark, chances are there will be reprisals. Broken thumbs are a real possibility. But you’d hardly expect... ObamaDoesntKnow Aw: Labor Unions Upset That ObamaCare Isn’t Treating Them Well By Brian Carey on January 30, 2014If there’s any silver lining to the ObamaCare failure, it’s that liberals are starting to see that liberal policies actually hurt them. Terry O’Sullivan, president... aaaansaspying1 Obama’s Meaningless “Changes” To NSA Phone Records Collection Policy By Robert Gehl on January 30, 2014One of the recommendations by the panel President Obama appointed to review NSA activities is that a third party should store the phone records the... PelosiReidLiars Dem Strategists And Donors: We Can’t Win The House So Let’s Save The Senate By Brian Carey on January 30, 2014Far be it from us to give the Democrats any advice that might work to their benefit, but it seems premature to throw in the... Photo credit: J. Stephen Conn (Creative Commons)3 Oklahoma Working to Ban EPA By Jaye Ryan on January 28, 2014Apparently, the federal government’s Environmental Protection Agency has royally irritated Okies one time too many: Between a lawsuit and legislation, Oklahoma is actively working toward... tet offensive Tet Offensive, FDR Born, MLK’s Home Bombed: Today In American Political History By Robert Gehl on January 23, 2014January 30: This date in American political history: 1968: The Tet Offensive, communist forces’ largest attack on the South Vietnamese began. Dozens of towns, cities... Obama2 In California, 43 ObamaCare Navigators Have Criminal Convictions By Brian Carey on January 30, 2014Let’s file this one under “News Jon Stewart Won’t Joke About.” National Review‘s Jillian Kay Melchior did something that a lot of mainstream reporters aren’t... ebrohgag9 Obama Promises More Gun Control Executive Orders By Brian Anderson on January 29, 2014There was so much negative to take away from Obama’s State of the Union Address last night, but his promise to push his unconstitutional gun... clccg10 Government Thugs Force 11-Year Old Girl Out Of The Cupcake Business By Brian Anderson on January 29, 2014Illinois boasts a higher than average violent crime rate, beating the national level in all major categories: murder, rape, assault…However, citizens in the Land Of... farm_subsidies3 Republicans Decide To Give Up Fight Over Farm Bill: House Passes $950 Billion Bill Without Any Drama By Joseph R. Carducci on January 29, 2014Remember all the talk about the farm bill? Yes, the food stamp program falls under the auspices of this bill and the GOP strategy
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 17:02:11 +0000

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