dreadlocks and white people: The attitude that it is unfair for - TopicsExpress


dreadlocks and white people: The attitude that it is unfair for a black person to claim white dreads are cultural appropriation is just a continuation of the attitude that their opinion doesn’t matter, because as a white person, you can “share” anything from any culture without sharing any struggle associated with it. I know you have only good intentions, you have a good heart, and your ideas about everyone being equal are nice- but they are not based in reality. In reality people are not yet treated equally and you are showing that you are not yet fully aware of the privilege you have over black people and that you don’t care.... “Finally, it’s a compliment. White people wear dreadlocks because they think it’s cool, not because they’re trying to invade black traditions or anything.” Like I said- I know your intentions are good But LISTEN TO YOURSELF You’ve actually acknowledged that you KNOW that many black people think of white dreads as cultural appropriation. And THEN you say “it’s a compliment.” So here’s the invisible conversation between you and a black person right now: Black person: Your dreadlocks are cultural appropriation. It makes me uncomfortable that something important to my struggle has become a white trend. You: I’m wearing them as a compliment to you, I can take things from other cultures whenever I want, it’s sharing, get over it. Do you see how racist that is? How much of a spoiled brat you sound like? (via intersectionalfeminism on tumblr)
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:28:28 +0000

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