{dōTERRA THE VALUE OF DAILY USE} AMAZING AND FASCINATING TO READ The use of essential oils is rewarding and provides many opportunities to appropriately manage individual health. One can either treat specific health symptoms or act through a model of prevention. Effectively using essential oils may provide profound benefits for either scenario. One obvious advantage of essential oil application for wellness is personalization of usage based on individual inclination, health concerns, and even sensitivities. While there may be considerable variance in usage preference, there is general acceptance that using the oils consistently is important to achieving the desired outcomes. Using a variety of essential oils on a regular basis could be more significant than focusing on oil selection or specific application methods. Routine and deliberate application of essential oils can often increase and even sustain health benefits. Routine exposure can be achieved through aromatic, topical, and internal consumption based on the individual needs and level of expertise. There are some who express concern over consistent use of essential oils. Although mechanisms of biological action are not completely understood, specific health benefits have been well demonstrated in both clinical and anecdotal environments. There are many scientific reviews and studies that verify that appropriate doses of essential oils are safe and efficacious. Developing a personal understanding of individual tolerance, practising consistency, and using methods that work best for you will increase the likelihood of achieving successful results. The following guidelines will help determine how to implement essential oils into a daily model of consistency based on an individual’s unique health and lifestyle circumstances. {See Pictures} This was taken from doterrablog and written by Dr. David K. Hill, Chief Medical Officer and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 00:00:01 +0000

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