dōTERRA is a wellness company - they offer more than just - TopicsExpress


dōTERRA is a wellness company - they offer more than just essential oils! While this class is primarily focused on the oils I would be doing you an injustice to omit the Lifelong Vitality Pack (LLV)!! I have been taking supplements for years and years. I have a drawer full of supplements at home and another drawer at work. I can tell you I have never really noticed a huge difference from taking them. When I got started teaching classes in January I was looking up all sorts of random health issues for people and talking to people on the Facebook groups about it. What I kept hearing was these EOs will help with the issue but what really made it better was the LLV. I was intrigued. People with restless leg syndrome, chronic pain and inflammation, arthritis, etc. saw significant improvement in their symptoms when on the LLV. Im not saying these supplements cured anything - but perhaps the health issues are rooted in nutritional deficiencies? When you join as a wholesale member and are added to these FB groups you can ask folks yourself! So what makes these supplements so awesome? You have the Microplex VMz: this is the equivalent of your daily vitamin except that all of the vitamins and nutrients are food based so your body can actually use them!! Your body doesnt know what to do with synthetic or isolated compounds so they often just pass through your system. With this supplement your body knows how to use it! Next is the xEO Mega: this is your Omega Fatty Acids. It contains sea based Omegas (Fish oil), land based Omegas (flax seed) and some lesser known sources of Omegas - so you are getting a broad spectrum of Omegas! They also add a blend of EOs to the Omegas! You get frankincense (a Powerful anti-inflammatory for you pain sufferers), peppermint, clove, thyme, cumin, ginger, carraway, and german chamomile! Finally, you get AlphaCRS: This is a blend of many of those extra plants and supplements that are recommended by Drs, Oprah, Dr. Oz, etc. They are the multitude of supplements you see at the health food store but cost a fortune if you were to use them all! The three of these supplements together are designed to give you a powerful foundation for health! My experience? I started them in January and I will hopefully never go off of them! I dont think I realized how tired I was all the time until I started taking them! I have seen a real difference in energy levels since I started. I am working a very full time job, teaching classes for dōTERRA (sometimes doing up to 4 events a week), plus I have three kids at home, etc. I dont feel like Im doing to collapse on the couch every day anymore!! Also the price is extremely reasonable with dōTERRAs Loyalty Rewards Program - only $74.50 for a full months supply. I was spending $50 a month on the daily vitamin recommended by my Dr. and I never had near the results I do with the LLV. And you earn a % of that monthly purchase back toward future purchases. That is how I got my bottle of Helichrysum for free!! I will touch more on this tomorrow...
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 15:01:15 +0000

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