e it forms beautiful patterns in the inner visual scapes dancing - TopicsExpress


e it forms beautiful patterns in the inner visual scapes dancing with the imagination in psychedelic trance. In fact i would even say it is an auditory description of inner architextures which both describes and effects them similtaneously... I have observed this myself many times, and actually this realization and experience as a young man was one thing that inspired me to listen to more of this musick and eventually i started creating it with the specific intention of creating interior worlds. The musick works as an auditory representation( i.e. a map) of the psyche itself. But i have also experienced this with other forms of musick, however the fact that this musick is made with the intention and knowledge that it can do just that gives it a shamanic/spiritual power of sorts to unfold doorways to deeper levels of psychic experience. Also another factor here is the matter of texture and how the texture of a sound can produce a specific type of geometry or visual array of color, or how a specific polyrhythm can create a movement of interchanging dimensional juxtaposition.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 03:41:03 +0000

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