each morning i spend the first 30 minutes of my day listening to - TopicsExpress


each morning i spend the first 30 minutes of my day listening to the fish. Some mornings I just enjoy worshipping & singing, some mornings I pray & just talk to God like hes riding shot gun. This morning a song was put on my heart to share! In 2009 my marriage was quickly crumbling from all around me & Brian. From the outside my husband had a beautiful wife with a perfect body, I had a hard working husband who was a wonderful father & our children were thriving. But on the inside I was resentful & angry, my husband was jealous & insecure, and my children were feeling the tension more than we did. I all but thru my marriage away. The bible tells my husband that what I did have him permission from God to divorce me. But he didnt. Brian doesnt lift weights but hes by far the strongest man Ive ever in all my life met. I had to hit reset on my entire life. In that I gave up my pro card in a sport that meant the world to me. But my priorities were so backwards now looking back its quite embarrassing who I was. I gave up competing and even gave up working out to focus 100% rebuilding my marriage. Brian carried me our entire marriage but for the first time ever it was my turn to carry him. I did!!! For over a year it was an every day battle to not let the devil continue to destroy what clearly God had brought together. Not many marriages could make it thru what we did and I give all the glory to him for that. This song hits home every time I hear it and today The Lord put it on my heart to share this and to share my story. People get so wrapped up in what other people think. Forget about anyone that would stand from afar and judge you. Of your marriage is failing listen The lyrics of this song .... Just listen and let the words sink in. Lead me with strong hands Stand up when I cant Dont leave me hungry for love Chasing dreams, what about us? Show me youre willing to fight That Im still the love of your life I know we call this our home But I still feel alone m.youtube/watch?v=yLr6G8Xy5uc
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 11:57:36 +0000

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