eating plan!APPLESYou’ve heard the expression, “An apple a day - TopicsExpress


eating plan!APPLESYou’ve heard the expression, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.Click here to find out why apples are a great addition to a healthy diet.APRICOTSThese orange-colored little fruits offer some great health benefits and are easy to snack on when you’re on-the-go. Learn more about the nutritional qualities of apricots here.ARTICHOKESAs long as you avoid drenching these fabulous green globes in mayo or butter, artichokes may actually help to lower your cholesterol. Find out more about artichokes here. ASPARAGUSThis green stalky vegetable is fabulous for helping the body to remove waste products. It tastes great when steamed, too! To learn more about asparagus, click here. AVOCADOSAvocados are pretty tough not to love. Not only do they pack quite a nutritional punch, they taste great, too! Read more about the health benefits of avocados here.BANANASWith their versatility and delicious taste, bananas may be one of the most pleasant ways to enhance your health. Learn about the health benefits of bananas here.BEANS AND LENTILSBeans and lentils provide a ton of fiber and offer a host of other health benefits, too.Read more about how beans and lentils can lead to better health here.BEETSYou either love em’ or hate em’. But if you love em’, you’ll have a great leg up on those who don’t. Find out why beets can be an important part of a healthy diet here.BELL PEPPERSRed, yellow, orange, or green, bell peppers pack quite a nutritional punch. Bake them, broil them, steam them, or eat them raw. Any way you slice them, bell peppers taste great! Find out more about how bell peppers can lead to better health here.BERRIESThese lovely little berries are a true nutritional powerhouse! Find out what berries can do for you here.BROCCOLIWhen Mom told you to eat your broccoli, she knew what she was talking about!Find out about broccoli’s main health benefit here. BRUSSEL SPROUTSForget about the brussel sprouts you used to hide in your napkin as a kid. When prepared the right way, brussel sprouts can taste amazing. They’re great for your health, too! Learn more about brussel sprouts here.CABBAGEIf you love cabbage, feel free to brag to those who don’t about all of the health benefits cabbage offers you. Find out what to tell your friends about cabbage here.CANTALOUPEThis deliciously sweet melon is the perfect addition to a summer salad, and it can improve your health, too! Read more about what cantaloupe can do for you here.CARROTSEvery kid knows that carrots are great for eyesight, but your vision isn’t the only thing carrots are good at improving. Click here to read more about what carrots can do for you.CAULIFLOWERThis cruciferous white veggie is tops in Vitamin C and Manganese and is excellent for your health. Find out what else cauliflower can contribute to your overall health here. CHERRIESCherries are one of those nutritional super foods that you should devour while you have the chance. When cherry season arrives, you can feel good about what you’re doing to preserve your brain and heart health. Cherries may be credited with slowing down the aging process and even with ending insomnia! Learn more about what cherries can do for you here.CHIA SEEDSThese tiny seeds are rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids, provide protein, healthy fats and fiber. Try adding two tablespoons to your favorite smoothie recipe. Learn more about this superfood here.DARK CHOCOLATEIf you need a good excuse to eat your chocolate, look no further. Dark chocolate (not milk chocolate) may be great for cardiovascular health, premature aging and cancer. And guess what!? Dark chocolate is low on the glycemic index!Find out why dark chocolate can be good for your health here.EGGSFull of protein and extremely versatile, eggs are rich in nutrients and can help you to tackle a number of health problems and encourage weight loss. Learn more about the health benefits of eggs here.FISH While we have to be increasingly careful about the fish we eat, it’s incredibly healthy for you if you can find the good stuff. It may protect your heart, fight cancer and strengthen your immune system. Find out how fish can help you stay healthy here.FLAXThis little seed is a nutritional powerhouse. It may help your digestion, strengthen your immune system and help with diabetes. The only thing better than flax is Chia seeds. But that doesn’t mean you should forgo flax. It’s far more readily available than Chia seeds are, and it is often more cost-effective for those on a budget. To learn more about the health benefits of flax seeds, click here.GARLICMost folks these days know the benefits of eating garlic. Aside from scaring vampires away, garlic may lower cholesterol, help with high blood pressure, fight against cancer, and even kill certain bacteria. Learn more about garlic here.GRAPESThis fruit is fabulously portable so there’s no excuse not to include them in your healthy eating plan. They may strengthen your eyes, help with circulation and may even fight cancer and kidney stones. Read more about why grapes are a superfood here.GREEN TEA1 cup a day is the general rule of thumb with green tea. It may help you fight cancer cells, lose weight and battle against strokes. Learn more about why green tea made our superfood list here. HOT PEPPERSHeat up your meals every chance you get by adding hot peppers to your plate. They promise better digestion, an improved immune system, better blood circulation and digestion. There is even a rumor that hot peppers aid in weight loss by increasing your metabolism! Find out more about why you should turn up the heat here.KALEThis superfood has powerful antioxidant qualities. Kale contains high amounts of phyto-chemicals that may help in preventing macular degeneration and cataracts. Kale also may help to combat against many types of cancer, including breast cancer. Include this antioxidant powerhouse in your morning smoothie. Enjoy a SkinnyLicious Protein Smoothie for breakfast or start your healthy eating lifestyle with a Cleanse & Detox Smoothie. Read about why you should go Krazy for Kale here.KIWIKiwi is different from many other fruits because it offers a number of health-promoting substances instead of just one, or two. Kiwis are full of antioxidants and make you feel as if you’re on a tropical vacation with every bite. Learn more about kiwi here and its health benefits here.LEMON/LIMEThese sour fruits are amazing at so many things. They may fight everything from cancer to the common cold. Never miss a chance to include these in your eating plan. Discover more about why we love lemons and limes here.LOW-FAT YOGURT AND KEFIRChoose non-fat Greek yogurt to get more protein on top of the following benefits: it may help with increased bone strength, lower cholesterol, a better immune system and better digestion. May also be great for ulcers. Read more about the health benefits of low-fat yogurt and kefir here.MANGOESThis tropical delight may help strengthen your memory as well as your digestion. It also may fight cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Learn more about why you should munch mangoes here.MUSHROOMSThe lowly mushroom deserves a pedestal for its medicinal uses. It may help control blood pressure and lower your cholesterol. And yes, like many other foods on this list, mushrooms may fight cancer too! Find out more about what mushrooms can do for you here.NUTSEasy to snack on or pack when heading out, nuts are loaded with healthy fats and offer a huge array of health benefits. Walnuts are one nut that may be great for lowering cholesterol, fighting cancer and improving your memory. Learn why you should Fall in Love with a Nut here.OATSOats are well-known for their possible cholesterol lowering abilities. But did you know they may also improve the condition of your skin and help fight diabetes? Learn more about why you should add oats to your diet here.OLIVE OILOlive oil should be a part of many dishes you cook. It may strengthen the heart, fight diabetes and cancer and help with weight loss. For those with dry skin, it may be an excellent way to cleanse your skin as well! Just put a little on a cotton ball and wipe clean. You’ll never use cleansers and water again! Learn more about why olive oil is a superfood here.ORANGESWe all know that a nice glass of OJ goes well with just about any breakfast. But did you know that oranges may strengthen your immune system, fight cancer and strengthen your heart? Find out why we love oranges here.PAPAYAPapaya is a nutritional powerhouse. This yellow/orange fruit provides a number of health benefits and will leave your skin looking fabulous, too! Read more about why you should pick papaya here.PEACHESThese summer time treats may be great for digestion and constipation. Learn more about the health benefits of peaches here.PINEAPPLENever miss a chance to eat pineapple! Not only is it absolutely delicious on a hot summer day, it may also strengthen your digestion and your bones and aid with weight loss. Read more about why pineapple is a superfood here.PUMPKINSome folks see pumpkins as something to carve once a year. But the truth is, your friendly Jack-O-Lantern also provides tons of fiber and may control blood pressure and normalize heart function. So this year, carve your pumpkin a few hours before dark, and then bring it in for cooking when the festivities are finished. Learn about why you should enjoy pumpkin throughout the rest of year, too, here.POMEGRANATESThese amazing fruits may have up to 7 times the amount of antioxidants of green tea! Impressed? They may also fight cancer, and reduce blood pressure and bad cholesterol. Read more about the power of pomegranates here.QUINOAThis “supergrain” is high in fiber, filled with protein, and offers a pleasant nutty flavor. It cooks up like rice and is naturally gluten free. If you haven’t tried it already, you should! Learn more about this awesome grain here.RICE (BROWN)Brown rice should be a staple in every one’s diet. Not only is it a very low allergen food, it may also protect your heart and fight diabetes, kidney stones and cancer. Find out why you should pick brown rice over white here.SPINACHPopeye had the right idea. You have to eat your spinach to grow strong! Why? Spinach may help fight cancer, improve your cardiovascular health and improve brain function! Read more about why it’s important to eat your spinach here.SPIRULINADon’t let the idea of eating algae prevent you from enjoying all the benefits that spirulina has to offer. It is loaded with essential vitamins and nutrients. Toss it in a smoothie or add it to your favorite recipe and you won’t even know it’s there, but your body will. Learn more about this amazing superfood here.SPROUTS Feasting on sprouts is a deliciously inexpensive way to reach total body nourishment. You’ll be amazed at how many essential nutrients can fit into these tasty baby plants. Discover the health benefits of sprouts here.SWEET POTATOESHealthy eaters know, sweet potatoes are a fantastic carb to include in your healthy eating plan! But why? Because they may protect your vision, encourage a good mood, fight cancer and keep your bones strong. That’s why! Find out more about what sweet potatoes can do for you here.SWISS CHARDIf you’ve never heard of swiss chard before, you’re missing out. This leafy vegetable is related to spinach and beets and packs quite a nutritional punch. Learn more about swiss chard here.TOMATOESThese fabulous orbs may be big time cancer fighters! They also help battle high cholesterol. Click here to read more about why tomatoes are superfoods.WATERWe all know we have to get our 8 glasses of water every day (although, we also now know that it can very according to your size and weight). But why is water so vital? Put aside the fact that your body is mostly water to begin with, and you’re left with the fact that water may help you lose weight, fight cancer, keep your skin in great condition and help you battle kidney stones. Discover why more about why we’ve added water to our superfood list here.WATERMELONThis wonderful summer time treat may be a fabulous aid for weight loss, lowering cholesterol, avoiding strokes and controlling your blood pressure. So eat up! Read more about why watermelon is wonderful here.WHEAT GERMThe healthiest “germ” you’ll ever include in your diet! It may help fight colon cancer, keep things “moving smoothly” and help your digestion in a big way. Discover more ways that wheat germ can help you here.WILD-CAUGHT SALMONWild salmon provides oodles of omega-3 essential fatty acids, a crucial bit of nutrition for us humans. But that’s not all. Salmon also provides many other vitamins like vitamin B3 and B12 which contribute to a healthy metabolism.Learn more about the health benefits of wild salmon here.WINTER SQUASHNative Americans prize their squash, and you should, too. These funny shaped vegetables are known for their versatility, can help lower blood pressure, and even help with post-wor
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 00:45:55 +0000

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