egyptian Revolution of 2011 Demonstrators in Cairos Tahrir - TopicsExpress


egyptian Revolution of 2011 Demonstrators in Cairos Tahrir Square on 8 February 2011 Date25 January 2011 – 11 February 2011 (2 weeks and 3 days LocationEgypt CausesPolice brutality[1]State-of-emergency laws[1]Electoral fraudPolitical censorship[2]Corruption[2]Unemployment[3]Food price rises[3]Low wages[1][3]Demographic structural factors[4]Other regional protests Methods Civil disobedienceCivil resistanceDemonstrationsOnline activismRiotsSelf-immolationStrike actionsResultOverthrow of Mubarak governmentResignation of Prime MinistersNazif and Shafik[5]Assumption of power by themilitary[6]Suspension of the Constitutionand dissolution of theParliament[7]Disbanding of the State Security Investigations Service[8]Dissolution of the NDP (the former ruling party) and transfer of its assets to the state[9]Prosecution of Mubarak, his family and former ministers[10][11][12]Lifting of 31-year-old state of emergency[13]Democratic election to replace Mubarak; Mohamed Morsi elected as new president[14]Protests in response to Morsis declaration of Islamist-backed draft constitution, ending with his ouster in a second revolution and a coup détatOngoing civil unrest in response to coupNumber2,000,000 at Cairos Tahrir square[15] See: Regions section below.CasualtiesDeath(s) During revolution: 846[17][18]Post-Revolution: 300+[19]See: Deaths section below. Injuries6,467 people[16]Arrested12,000[20] The Egyptian Revolution of 2011, locally known as the January 25 Revolution (Arabic:ثورة 25 يناير; Thawret 25 yanāyir),[21] was a movement following a popular uprising which began on 25 January 2011. It consisted of demonstrations, marches, plaza occupations, riots, non-violent civil resistance, acts of civil disobedience and strikes. Millions of protesters from a range of socio-economicand religious backgrounds demanded the overthrow of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The revolution included Islamic, liberal, anti-capitalist, nationalist and feminist elements. Violent clashes between security forces and protesters resulted in at least 846 people killed and over 6,000 injured.[22][23]Protesters burned over 90 police stations.[24]The protests, which took place in Cairo,Alexandria and other cities, followed theTunisian revolution which resulted in the overthrow of longtime Tunisian presidentZine El Abidine Ben Ali. The Egyptian protesters grievances focused on legal and political issues,[25] includingpolice brutality, state-of-emergency laws,[1]lack of free elections and freedom of speech, corruption,[2] and economic issues including high unemployment, food-price inflation[3]and low wages.[1][3] The protesters primary demands were the end of the Mubarak regime and emergency law, freedom, justice, a responsive non-military government and a voice in managing Egypts resources.[26]Strikes by labour unions added to the pressure on government officials.[27] During the uprising the capital, Cairo, was described as a war zone[28] and the port city of Suez saw frequent violent clashes. Protesters defied a government-imposedcurfew, which was unenforced by the police and military. Egypts Central Security Forcespolice, loyal to Mubarak, was gradually replaced by military troops. In the chaos, there was looting by gangs which was instigated (according to opposition sources) by plainclothes police officers. In response, watch groups were organized by civilians to protect neighbourhoods.[29][30][31][32][33] International reaction has varied, with most Western nations condoning peaceful protests but concerned about the stability of Egypt and the region. The Egyptian and Tunisian revolutions have influenced demonstrations in other Arab countries, including Yemen,Bahrain, Jordan, Syria and Libya. Mubarak dissolved his government, appointing former head of the Egyptian General Intelligence Directorate Omar Suleiman vice-president in an attempt to quell dissent. Mubarak asked aviation minister and former chief of Egypts air force Ahmed Shafik to form a new government. Mohamed ElBaradei became a major opposition figure, with all major opposition groups supporting his role as negotiator for a transitional unity government.[34] In response to mounting pressure, Mubarak announced he did not intend to seek re-election in September.[35] On 11 February 2011 Vice President Omar Suleiman announced that Mubarak would resign as president, turning power over to theSupreme Council of the Armed Forces(SCAF).[36] The military junta, headed by effective head of state Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, announced on 13 February that the constitution would be suspended, both houses of parliament dissolved and the military would rule for six months (until elections could be held). The previous cabinet, including Prime Minister Ahmed Shafik, would serve as a caretaker government until a new one was formed.[37]Shafik resigned on 3 March, a day before major protests to force him to step down were planned, and was replaced by former transport minister Essam Sharaf.[38] On 24 May Mubarak was ordered to stand trial on charges of premeditated murder of peaceful protesters and, if convicted, could face the death penalty.[12] On 2 June 2012 Mubarak was found guilty of complicity in the murder of protesters and sentenced to life imprisonment, but the sentence was overturned on appeal and a retrial ordered.[39] A number of protesters, upset that others tried with Mubarak (including his two sons) were acquitted, took to the streets.[40] On 19 June, protesters angry with what they considered an SCAF coup (many belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood) demonstrated in Cairos Tahrir Square. On 24 June the State Election Commission announced that Islamist Mohamed Morsi had won the election, and six days later he was inaugurated as the fifth president of Egypt. On 3 July 2013 Morsi was deposed by a coup détat led by the minister of defense, General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, after opposition protests on 30 June. Other namesBackgroundPreludePre-revolution timelinePost-revolution timelineProtests by cityDeathsInternational reactionResultsAnalysisSee alsoReferencesFurther reading Read in another language Mobile‌DesktopContent is available under CC BY-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.Terms of UsePrivacy
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 18:01:59 +0000

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