eli, eli, lmana sabachthani--my GOD my GOD, for this I was - TopicsExpress


eli, eli, lmana sabachthani--my GOD my GOD, for this I was kept. Now from the 6th hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. and about the ninth hour JESUS cried with a loud voice, saying, eli,eli, lmana sabachthani. Some of them that stood there, when they heard that, said, this man calleth for Elias. [ math. 27;45-47]....... all versions of the gospels have retained these words in the original tongue and given them a different meaning. mathew, according to eastern version, does not translate them, because he wrote to the people who had seen JESUS and heard him preaching. It also seems probable that the later writers did not agree on its exact meaning when they translated them into greek. This term even at present is only used by the aramaic speaking people in assyria, the same language which the galileans spoke at the time of our LORD. This phrase in aramaic means, my GOD my GOD, for this I was kept. [this was my destiny-- II was born for this]. JESUS did not quote the psalms. If he had he would have said these words in hebrew instead of aramaic, and if he had translated them from hebrew he would have used the aramaic word [ nashatani, which means forsaken me] instead of the word [ shabacktani] which in this case means, [kept me]. even the soldiers who stood by the cross did not understand what JESUS said in that hour of agony and suffering. they thought that he was calling on Elijah because the word Elijah in aramaic is Elia, which is similar to that for GOD, Eli....In those last minutes of suffering JESUS watched the crowd, which was composed of rabbis,priest, men,women of Jerusalem, who had comeup to watch him dying. Some insulted him. others spitting in his face, and others calling him names and challenging his claim that he is a man of GOD but instead that he was a malefactor and sinner. JESUS only made a statement to himself and to the friends who were also standing and hiding in the crowds near the cross. That he was born for that hour that he may bear witness to the truth and open the way for the others who were to be crucified-- that that was his destiny. That there was nothing else that could have given such a glorious victory as the cross. The disciples and women who were from galilee never for a moment could have thought that JESUS said that GOD had forsaken him. how could he say that when he had told his disciples that the whole world would forsake him,even they, but that the father would be with him. when he told peter that if he wished he could bring angels to fight for him, and when he said, father, let it be thy wish if I should drink this cup. These words, Eli,Eli, lmana sabachthani, even today are used by assyrians when they suffer and die unjustly. Instead of complaint and dissatisfaction, they leave everything to GOD. they believe that it is GODs desire that they should pass through such experiences. This is the reason why in the east people do not commit suicide.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 23:56:16 +0000

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