email from Medea Benjamin, CodePINK: March 6, 2014 Dear - TopicsExpress


email from Medea Benjamin, CodePINK: March 6, 2014 Dear Kit, The remaining delegates waiting to go to Gaza, trapped in the Cairo airport. https://codepink.salsalabs/o/424/images/justice.jpg https://codepink.salsalabs/o/424/images/Mwelcome.jpg Medea welcomed home by loved ones at the airport in DC Send this letter to the Egyptian government with our demands and Sign this petition to the Egypt Desk at the State Department Just the other day I hopped on a plane to Egypt, eager to join the international delegation of 100 women headed to Gaza for International Women’s Day. Little did I know I would be stopped at the Cairo airport, detained, held overnight in a cell, then in the morning brutally assaulted by Egyptian authorities. They threw me to the ground, stomped on my back, handcuffed me so tightly they dislocated my shoulder, and then deported me to Turkey. Now the Egyptian authorities are blocking most of the remaining delegates from entering Egypt and traveling to Gaza. It has been frustrating and disappointing for us, but we cannot forget that almost two million Palestinians remained trapped in Gaza while the Egyptian Rafah border remains closed or tightly controlled. What happened to me was traumatizing, but is minor compared to what Egyptian activists are going through, including women. Thousands of peaceful Egyptian demonstrators have been killed or jailed by the Military Junta since the July 2013 military coup. Here’s how you can take action: Call the Egyptian Embassy now (202-895-5400), demand an apology, ask them to allow the remaining delegates to go to Gaza, open of the Rafah border, and end the brutal crackdown on journalists and Egyptian activists. Send this letter to the Egyptian government with our demands. Despite frantic calls to the US Embassy during my 17-hour ordeal, they NEVER even got in touch with me. It is appalling that not only did the US government fail to intervene when an American citizen was being beaten, but that our government continues to send billions of US taxpayer dollars in military aid to the illegitimate and abusive Egyptian government. Sign this petition to Egypt Desk at the State Department, then call them (202-647-4680). Demand to know why they did not assist a peaceful US citizen who was being abused by the Egyptian authorities, and let them know you want an immediate end to US military aid to Egypt. Thanks for all you do for peace and justice, Medea Benjamin, Co-founder, CODEPINK
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 18:56:00 +0000

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