email of ramblings to Ed Hi Ed. Im thinking a lot about how - TopicsExpress


email of ramblings to Ed Hi Ed. Im thinking a lot about how we deliver the TPPA message... it doesnt seem to be getting through at all given the election result, and its going to be even harder because of the election result. Ive also been thinking a lot about the method of going to all the Councils - like the Nuclear Free movement did - & whether we can leverage off this with the TPPA message. Can we start declaring our homes & communities & Councils Fair Trade Zones for example? (Although probably not that exactly as Fair Trade already is a brand) TPPA-Free Zone? (Although not this cos its the style of agreement as much as the TPPA itself. I heard rumblings theyve changed the name as well... is this true or just bollocks?) I was looking at how to get out of contracts... youll know about this being a lawyer... like when they are unconscionable or grossly unfair... is there any legal stance someone in a group has if a contract is being signed on their behalf? Would those people even have a name? (Other than Tuhoe?!) Is there a legal precedent for people to represent themselves as those who dont want to be party to a collective agreement? Clearly it didnt work for Maori Iwi who chose not to sign te Tiriti. I just think we need to change the narrative, as they say. Bellowing on at people about how bad things are going to be aint getting results, and understandably so. The Deep Sea Oil Banners on Fences campaign was/is another similar action. I wonder if we could mobilise all the different networks who worked so hard towards the election to pull together in a single TPPA- Free Zone campaign? It is the one thing, you would think, that unites all those left-wing causes. And the thing we need to make sure does not go ahead under this government. Can we get our hands on all that left over core-flute & get some signs printed up for fences? People can declare their homes TPPA-Free Zone Fair Trade Zone TPPA - Not Here Tiriti o Waitangi Not TPPA Its Our Future & Were Not Doing It TPPA - Free Zone And what other ways can we change the narrative? I think we need to approach groups that are pro TPPA, especially the dairy industry and see if we can have a dialogue about this. (See? I know all the hip jargon) All just thoughts, but Ill put this out to the groups as well for feedback. Thought Id try it out on you first. Its been a strange few days. All the best, gen
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 05:32:40 +0000

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