en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fifth_Element I want 5th element - TopicsExpress


en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fifth_Element I want 5th element technology limb regeneration and artificial sun or ignite the sun artificially from Tritium (from water and hydrogen) and aliens too like by mutating man and animals together like the movie en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Island_of_Doctor_Moreau or this gamespot/impossible-creatures/ or Planet of the Apes movie place them in a planet because the number of planets in the Universe is infinite see this->atlasoftheuniverse/. I want 6th day technology en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_6th_Day where they will clone you then accelerate your growth in a chamber so that you are already 18 years old because I love myself while your are sleeping and being accelerated growth use Mind-reading nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html or artificial lucid dreaming while you are sleeping to teach you tagalog, ilocano and english and everything that you need to learn but theres no Replacement Technologies only this ->hrtinc.us/ like the movie The Island->en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Island_(2005_film) too I like the clones to be already 15 or 18 years old already menos pa sa milk because the artificial breast needs water and vitamins meaning you need to grow everything all the elements to have abundant milk! edition.cnn/2004/TECH/space/05/24/universe.wide/index.html The Universe is only 156 Billion lights years wide only is this presumption correct? it is small I guess I think they need to double check it again if it is truly endless or 156 billion light years wide! finalfantasy.wikia/wiki/Cloud_Strife/Dissidia If I get ressurected again or reincarnated I would like to look like Cloud Strife or like Rain see this->https://sp1.yimg/ib/th?id=HN.608054776806114197&pid=15.1&P=0 of Korea he is very handsome the most handsome on earth like this resurrection technology->alexchiu/philosophy/cloning.htm https://youtube/watch?v=Spl3nlGex40 His got a brand new car and leather seats ... also see this clearer dogfight view https://youtube/watch?v=bKsreHMX3xE I love dogfights and F-15 Strike Eagle/F-18 so much ->boeing/boeing/defense-space/military/f15/index.page I must be a frustrated US Airman or pilot or better a ground-assault soldier such as US Army soldier based in Iraq or Afghanistan Uncle Meno should have adopted me when I was a child I should have been a US Citizen die for America! G.I.s and all Government Insurgents-G.I. Joe the greatest american hero! :) https://youtube/watch?v=ekHhWpiBOkg https://youtube/watch?v=JaNs83nOby4 Superman said the WORLD DOESNT NEED A SAVIOUR OR MESSIAH! to Lois Lane-Low waist Lane!-LL-LL!->shopstyle/browse?fts=women%27s+low+waist+jeans thats why MCF almost killed me with Heart Attack-HA! I need a heart mesh sleeve to press my heart against my chest to better increase my stamina I get tired more than when I was child! arlingtoninstitute.org/wbp Find this Worlds Biggest Problems website but MINE IS WILDER IMAGINATION(WILDEST IN THE WORLD) THIS IS INCOMPLETE if you want to see my saving the world FACEBOOK PAGE (Please ask facebook to restore it for you to see it!) its entitled 1,001 PROBLEMS OF MAN/WORLDS BIGGEST PROBLEMS which I deleted(I almost died of Heart Attack-HA because of this!) because the WORLD DOESNT NEED A SAVIOUR OR MESSIAH! watch this video https://youtube/watch?v=xCMEfd7RsIc I think I have over 70 ideas here BETTER THAN THE WEBSITE ABOVE it is also incomplete but enough to stir your imaginations also FOR YOU TO BECOME WILDER IN IMAGINING IMAGINE THAT(IMAGINE ENTERTAINMENT!) which brings me to namecallings like NBA Live 2003 for PC Demo Maui Taylor-MT-(Manual Transmission) na naging bato pa! not Dennis Trillo-DT-Drive-Thru and I hope it is also uso Sotto Tito-STreet-ST and I think uso ang CA-Carla Abellana-(Cash Advance) I hope estafa is also uso and Business as usual! and Under New Management! and eviction notice also! You still owe me 50 Free Throw dunks c/o Kobe Bryant #24 to beat me in this game NBA Live 2003 Demo for PC download here->fileplanet/116329/110000/fileinfo/NBA-Live-2003-Demo ask Microsoft experts to make this work on Windows 8 or Windows 7 or newer windows edition! Okay beat me if you can! :) See and read below my craziness https://facebook/pages/bagtit/116514335095228 and crazy(CRAZINESS) at facebook(FB-FaceBagtit!) icrazy/ gamecrazy/. How about the complete DC and Marvel Superheroes robots using Terminator https://facebook/pages/The-Terminator/181221288646788, I Robot https://facebook/iRobotMovie and AI https://facebook/pages/AI-Artificial-Intelligence/204484616255526 even in the robot that they cut in half in the movie 300:Rise of the Empire movie robots just placed tough skin like Wax Work to make them look human if it is the whole Universe AS WIDE AS INFINITE BILLION LIGHTS YEARS WIDE to populate with robots the number of DC & Marvel Superheroes are still lacking in number we may need Gazilions of them to fill with robots the atlasoftheuniverse/ the Universe all of it complete so we need to do all I have said in my deleted Facebook Page (Facebook need to restore it!) 1,001 Problems of Man/Worlds Biggest Problems saving the world facebook page WE NEED TO MAKE ALL THAT I HAVE SAID IN THAT FACEBOOK PAGE SO THAT THERES FATE OF WHAT WE MAKE!. I dont know why I talk too much blah blah even them they talk nonsense most of the time is it because of what? MAKE THE ROBOTS FLY WITH REPULSOR SO WE NEED A MARVEL AND DC SUPERHEROES PLANET AS BIG AS THE SUN. AND HERE ON EARTH WE JUST NEED TO DEVELOP EVERYTHING ARTIFICIAL LIKE MEAT, RICE, WHEAT, ETC. APPLE economist/blogs/babbage/2013/08/artificial-meat EVERYTHING ARTIFICIAL LIKE BREAST, HEART, SPLEEN, KIDNEYS, TESTICLE, WOMB, ETC. EVEN PLANETS AND SUNS! :D BUY THIS ALSO IF YOU HAVE THE MONEY gizmag/calmspace-office-sleep-capsule/24859/! THAT ONLY PROVES THAT I HAVE SEEN THE INTERNET ALL OF IT I AM SICK OF IT ANYWAYS IT IS SLEEPING TIME OR BETTER SLUMBER ALREADY FOR ME SLEEP FOR 1,000 YEARS THEN WAKE UP AGAIN RENEW AND CHARGE SOMEONES LIFE MAYBE THAT TIME ID LIKE TO LIVE AGAIN SO MATRIX UNIVERSE IS BETTER COZ THEYRE SLEEPING! A BABY JUST DIED PATRICKS SON/DAUGHTER THAT I GUESS IS UNLUCKY YOURE STILL EATING WHY NOT LIVE YET UP TO 10 YEARS OLD PERHAPS! LIFES CRAZY I THINK GOD WENT HAYWIRE OR CRAZY LIKE IRMO BECAUSE OF HIS CREATION AND PEOPLE ALSO AND EVERYTHING SO HIS PROBABLY HIDING IN A DIFFERENT DIMENSION I GUESS! BYE FOR NOW TOO MUCH TALKATIVE PERSON LIKE ME AND SICK PEOPLE LIKE THEM ALSO! :( delorean/for-sale/ Delorean Time Machine Car for Sale! sciforums/showthread.php?84745-Super-SUPER-Advanced-Technology superman.wikia/wiki/Supermans_Powers_and_Abilities For a human being to make Superman(a human being) its power and super-advanced science possibilities to make His powers real or true! Super Strength-Teleportation/Quantum Teleportation Steel Body - mutate steel into His body and accelerated hearing like Uni-Sol movie Super Speed-Teleportation/Quantum Teleportation Flight-ZPE, Telekinesis, Teleportation Invulnerability-mutate steel unto His body like Green Goblins formula or steroids Vision- Cyborg Shop super lenses Super Hearing-Mind-reading see this link nwbotanicals.org/oak/newphysics/synthtele/synthtele.html Super Breath-Teleportation/Quantum Teleportation Laser-Teleportation/Quantum Teleportation Stamina-formula Healing factor-Accelerated healing like Uni-Sol Etc. Too many powers I guess wiki.answers/Q/How_does_Superman_fly If Superman robot or Man of Steel robot is possible just make him fly using Repulsor technology then possible solutions to make a man fly like Superman are these photos Telekinesis, Zero-Point Energy, Anti-gravity boots or repulsor boots like Iron Man, etc. to make a human being FLY FOR REAL LIKE SUPERMAN ARE WE CRAZY AS HUMANS TO BE WATCHING SUPERMAN MOVIES AND HIS NOT REAL IF ITS A ROBOT IT IS POSSIBLE RIGHT AWAY ALL HIS POWERS REAL USING BY COMBINING TELEPORTATION/QUANTUM TELEPORTATION TECHNOLOGY, TELEKINESIS, ZPE, OTHER SUPER-ADVANCED SCIENCE TECHNOLOGIES ETC.GADGETS LIKE THIS cyborg.hr/web-shop.php X-Ray Vision lenses etc. NOW! The only problem is how to make His body steel or mutate steel into His body but I think a Superman(Or even just a Green Goblin superhuman formula or a Uni-Sol formula liek accelerated healing) human being is real like this cracked/article/114_5-superpowers-you-didnt-know-your-body-was-hiding-from-you/! gamingpc.net/page/best-gaming-computer Find this best gaming computer on the planet if you like it buy if you can afford it! Almost 12 core Xeon PHI processors in cascade! How about cascading 100 Trillion CPUs to create the ultimate Supercomputer WOW thats ultra-wild imaginations for you! How about a Titan (supercomputer) Jaguar (supercomputer) Supercomputer planet to build the COMPLETE DIGITAL copy of the Universe as below NOT INCOMPLETE like this atlasoftheuniverse/ AND HOW DID THEY MAKE THIS COMPUTER MODEL OF THE UNIVERSE DONT TELL ME THEY RASTER( LIKE SEM OR FIB FOR FAILURE ANALYSIS ) SPACE THAT PARTICLE IS THE FASTEST PARTICLE ON THE PLANET OR UNIVERSE FASTER THAN TACHYONS SO TACHYONS ARE NOT THE FASTEST PARTICLE AFTER ALL BUT THIS PARTICLE WHICH RETURNS TO THE SOURCE RIGHT AWAY EVEN IF IT IS 14 BILLION LIGHT YEARS AWAY WOW THATS HYPERFAST OR ULTRAFAST! gundams.net/ I like Gundam Seed planet which are all robots in one of the planets which is eternal to the infinite power in number Gundams are as agile as F-16s with power plant in their backs like SM malls in the Philippines(COME VISIT THE PHILIPPINES SHOP TILL YOU DROP AND DINE TILL YOU DROP AT SM-Shoe Mart-Saddam & Muhammad(Saddam would like to buy SM it is the best mall in the world second to Ayala Mall and Robinsons)-Super-Model-Super-Man-Spider-Man) ! archive.wired/wired/archive/14.01/robots.html Place robots in all parts of the Universe infinite/Gazilions of them place Cybertron of the Transformers Universe everywhere in the Universe all robots and AIs and Actroids and Humanoids that you have seen in movies and video games like here atlasoftheuniverse/ it is already 14 billion light years(AND HOW MANY PLANETS ARE OUT THERE MAYBE 1,000,000,000 TRILLION TO THE INFINITE POWER JUST ADD AN ARTIFICIAL SUN LIKE THE DEATHSTAR starwars/databank/death-star OF STAR WARS TO MAKE THAT PART OF SPACE WARM FOR ROBOTS TO BE ABLE TO LIVE IN ALL PLANETS!) and space doesnt stop what type of Supercomputer contains the COMPLETE digital copy of the infiniteness of space (IMAGINE THAT?) Do you own ASIMO too and Sony AIBO https://facebook/pages/Sony-AIBO/193928554033057 too? Beats me Sony AIBO and ASIMO is cool pet robots I think! andersoninstitute/wormholes.html Nice read about wormholes! youtube/watch?v=RnkE2yQPw6s discovery/tv-shows/other-shows/videos/2057-time-travel.htm themaclellans/timetravel.html en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_travel phys.org/news63371210.html livescience/1339-travel-time-scientists.html Why do they spend time studying Time travel if it is not possible dont tell me theyre DUMB to spend time on it but there are time travel equations available I hope it is possible to have a second chance at life and it is better if they invent what I said in the latter! Where does past GO I think it is like a cause and effect the past is an effect of the future dont tell me we are just but GHOSTS the past doesnt go anywhere I hope it is Multiple universe instead the past made of episodes of you to make time travel easier or otherwise and THERE ARE INHERENT WORM-HOLES IN GODS CREATION IN SPACE-TIME THAT WE JUST HOPEFULLY JUST NEED TO FIND IT TO TRAVEL BACK IN THE PAST NOT JUST THEORETICAL/ASSUMPTIONS WORMHOLES! texasheart.org/Research/Devices/abiocor.cfm Now it is possible to extend your life like Elle-ELLE(-Extension Life Life Extension!) Magazine(European Supermodels) https://facebook/ellemagazine https://facebook/ELLEuk lifeextensionvitamins/ by having 2-3 artificial hearts by having everything in your all organs all Artificial if ever they invent it to extend life to perhaps Centenarian or 100 years old or better in the future to eternity and beyond ETERNITY TO INFINITE POWER! If theres an example of element generators in the organs it is the testicle, breast, tear ducts, nails, hair, bones, teeth, skin, everything that grows so that we can artificially grow all the elements in the periodic table even the imaginary list of elements of the periodic table so that we can do everything artificial like planets, paradise, artificial suns, everything in the Universe artificial! Like I said in the latter! npr.org/blogs/newsandviews/2008/11/physicist_reveals_his_secret_p.html Physicist Reveals His Secret Time Machine Project https://answers.yahoo/question/index;_ylt=A2oKmJUEE.hTS28At7uzRwx.;_ylu=X3oDMTByb2lkZ2kyBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMgRjb2xvA3NnMwR2dGlkAw--?qid=20070928005053AAnJIDH Top Secret: Did the US Government Invent, at Some point, a REALTime Machine? coolvibe/2010/50-stunning-futuristic-spaceship-deisgns/ Designs for SpaceShip-SS for Alcor planet as Big as the Sun to be invented in maze located at after planet Neptune to preserve corpses for Resurrection Technology an alternative solution for Time Machine resurrection technology! alcor.org/ Preserve your body now to re-animate later in life or in the future place Alcor preserves in Planet Mars or Planet Saturn! alexchiu/philosophy/cloning.htm Paradise on earth as promised by the bible is hard because resurrection technology is hard and eternal life technology is hard because of unpredictable life of the organs like the heart it can only live a 100 years and it is already MOF-Multiple Organ Failure! how do you invent eternal life technology when during the 2nd coming of the Lord Jesus Christ and during judgement day dont tell me youre going to limb regenerate persons with disability and how about dwarfs like Minime how do you reborn or reincarnate him during Judgement day so that his big as Us there are too many problems with Judgement Day or second coming now but I hope it is possible! https://youtube/watch?v=f_r0ermsqmk https://youtube/watch?v=oRWwI61so5Q https://youtube/watch?v=DBVcHK0xeck amazon/WORSHIPING-Babylonian-Phoenician-Became-Christians-ebook/dp/B00D94QMTM/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1406869252&sr=8-5&keywords=fake+god amazon/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_12?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=time+machine&sprefix=time+machine%2Caps%2C341 Not unless we invent a time machine Judgement Day/Armageddon will be all fake its gonna be all just a movie for man so that the Will of God be done on earth as it is heaven! accdg. to the bible(THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR MAN TO REACH ETERNITY AND BEYOND THATS WHY WE REACHED THIS FAR!) so that resurrection is possible but it is all the robot God and robot Jesus and robot Satan will do the acting for during judgement day on earth so we need to invent teleportation, humanoid robot that is very human, levitation, quantum teleportation, element generators, artificial suns/planets, cloning, resurrection technology, vampire technology, superman technology, marvel superheroes technology especially The Torch, artificial growth of the elements, cloning of trees and plants, eternal life technology, zombie technology, 1,000 years vampire life, accelerated healing, bathala project, Uni-Sol project, limb regeneration, all super-advanced technologies like colliders, phasers, plasma, anti-matter, warp drives, wormholes, hyperspace, tachyons, atlas of the universe, God technology, all super-advanced technologies like X-men, DC and Marvel Superheroes, Spiderman, Transformers robots, Gundam Seed, Armored Core everything you have seen in movies and games technologies like 6th day technology, Uni-Sol technology, mind-reading, etc. So you can spit during Judgement day beats me its all up to you if youre gonna believe it! If God and his Son live in another dimension then He should have figured a way to come here, if theres a time machine you can go back and talk to God during the creation per Genesis book of the bible! moneylessworld.org/ I would love a Moneyless World https://facebook/MoneylessWorld.org https://facebook/pages/Money-Free/147610588677642 https://facebook/LIVINGWITHOUTMONEY36 implemented in the whole wide world! Moneyless World says something will happen in year 2030 and what will happen in year 2520 I hope the invent by that time RESURRECTION technology hubpages/forum/topic/111820 by the Lord Jesus Christ if NDE(Near-death experience) is correct is resurrection technology going to snap your spirit or personality from another dimension which is heaven for the Catholics but RESURRECTION technology if invented is just a TIME TRAVEL/TIME MACHINE(TM-Tobey Mcguirre-Trade Mark!) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_travel(THE PROBLEM IS THE WORMHOLES IN SPACE-TIME ARE TOO SMALL AT THE MOMENT FOR A TIME MACHINE TO FIT INSIDE IT! I HOPE WORMHOLES ARE NOT JUST THEORY OR ASSUMPTIONS SO THAT WE CAN TRAVEL BACK IN TIME POSSIBLE IN THE FUTURE!) science.howstuffworks/science-vs-myth/everyday-myths/time-travel.htm dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2665781/Could-time-travel-soon-reality-Physicists-simulate-quantum-light-particles-travelling-past-time.html when it tries to re-animate you with resurrection technology it is basing it from the past all they need to do is create an artificial planet for humans as paradise on Earth(artificial planets just need an element generator or shrink rays to enlarge small objects into humunguous ones) 1,000,0000 bigger than the sun/star to place people there and live in paradise forever after that is RESURRECTION TECHNOLOGY from the Bible everybody will be perfect like Superman man of steel or Superman Returns (video game) what is this research that they are doing Sup gene cell/current-biology/abstract/S0960-9822(03)00612-2 to make humans perfect in the future! stealth-ai.wikia/wiki/EDI_-_Eddie# EDI-ED(Erectile Dysfunction-Gunshy) I! What if theres made in Australia-A US Trail! c/o their Uncle Mark Briggs that is Eddie being used by the kids to visit countries 2x a month. VTOL planes and all! Flew by the Australian Airforce(woman). https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10502227_1445117552416991_4166002415701752811_n.jpg How about a F/A 37 Talon Aggressor or EXTREME DEEP INVADER made in Australia flew by the Australian Airforce(woman) airforce.gov.au/ airforce.gov.au/Technology/Aircraft/?RAAF-nMfLhE%2FppITHEkch5e7PfopYCzwKfhNg with passenger seat re-designed to contain EDI both passenger and pilot seat and is already VTOL/STOL! I think it is better if all that is used is made in Australia or made in Vogue Australia Australia-A-US-Trail! like extreme deep invader, iron man suit, mind-reading, robot superman and bumble bee and all DC and Marvel Superheroes robots, all tools for IC-I See! circuit design/test program, hacking tools etc. everything c/o Uncle Mark Briggs of Australia so that it is out of shame! Anak Lek-lek check your private messages for important message from Papa San and who is Mama-san https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t1.0-9/p417x417/10533993_1446169615645118_8427789611390360121_n.jpg? she is already a manager in Airforce 1 KTV or Flight168? stealth-ai.wikia/wiki/File:EDI_stealth_UCAV.jpg Stealth (movie) UCAV EDI should be redesigned so that it is safer, there should be 100 co-pilots autopiloting the airplane (meaning 100 CPUs or AI-Artificial Intelligence-AI-Allen Iverson!) or robot pilot that are powered down it is an infinitely redundant design that are still powered down and it powers up when the AI pilot stops operating) and there should be autododge feature similar to big passenger and commercial airplanes so that it will not crash in the sky even the exhausts should be more than 10-12 pieces so that it has spare if others fail OR BETTER THEY SHOULD CHECK IT ALWAYS ALL ENGINES AND EXHAUSTS, ON-BOARD COMPUTER ALL EVERYDAY SO IT IS SAFE TO RIDE THIS FOR KIDS! writeups.org/fiche.php?id=5246 Stealth UCAV EDI link they need to redesign the Extreme Deep Invader to contain 500 computer autopilot thta is yet powered down so that when the one that is powered on stops the other powers up USE ALL THE EMPTY SLOTS AS CO-PILOTS CHECK ALWAYS ALSO TO PREVENT MALFUNCTION IN AIR OR FLIGHT also the ejectable chair should be repulsor like Iron Mans armor make it also as redundant circuit or OverKill-OK circuit ALSO THE EXHAUST SHOULD BE MORE THAN 12 in modules operating individually so that when 1 fails the others continue to operate ALSO IT IS NICE TO HAVE OR BUILD BUMBLE BEE OF THE TRANSFORMERS OR IRON MONGER TO CATCH THE PLANE AS LAST RESORT IF ACCIDENT HAPPENS OR ALL ELSE FAILS OR HOW ABOUT A ROBOT SUPERMAN JUST USE REPULSOR TECHNOLOGY TO MAKE HIM FLY ALL CHARACTERS LIKE CRISTOPHER REEVE, BRANDON ROUTH, HENRY CAVILL ALL CHARACTERS ETC! imgur/gallery/jRS4a You should wear Iron Man suit always when riding airplanes just in case the engine fails or if accident happens have a parachute also (all airplanes should have one for each passenger) or REPULSOR PARACHUTE(THEY NEED TO DESIGN ONE TO FLY YOU TO SAFETY ACT LIKE UCAV-Umanned Computer-Aided Vehicle) or iron man suit as hand carry BUT if you use a parachute you should have groundcontrol/Iridium_Extreme_9575.htm waterproof satellite phone to contact someone or else you are floating in the ocean waiting for sharks if accident happens in mid-flight or use chinavasion/china/wholesale/GPS-Sat_Nav_Devices/More_GPS_Tracking_Devices/GPS_Phone_Watch-GSM_GPS_Tracker amazon.co.uk/GPS-Watch-wearable-functions-resistant/dp/B000BTCLQQ (advanced-intelligence/tracking.html-I hope this is waterproof!) a GPS tracking device watch to call for help if you are already floating in the ocean! airbus/aircraftfamilies/passengeraircraft/a380family/ Try this new Airbus A380 family of aircraft passengers but have this ready or the airplane should have it paragear dropzone/gear/ paragear/parachutes/10000067/PARACHUTES https://aerostore/ for each passenger of the plane with waterproof satellite phones groundcontrol/Iridium_Extreme_9575.htm just in case engine trouble happens in midflight! So you need these when accident happens in mid-flight when riding planes 1. A waterproof satellite phone or GPS tracker wrist watch also waterproof 2. Life Jacket 3. Parachute 4. Iron man suit also 5. Food so you might be floating in the ocean waiting for sharks I hope that doesnt happen by asking the airline companies to check everyday their airplane! https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10502227_1445117552416991_4166002415701752811_n.jpg How about a F/A 37 Talon Aggressor made in Australia flew by the Australian Airforce(woman) airforce.gov.au/ airforce.gov.au/Technology/Aircraft/?RAAF-nMfLhE%2FppITHEkch5e7PfopYCzwKfhNg with passenger seat re-designed to contain EDI both passenger and pilot seat and is already VTOL/STOL! I think it is better if all that is used is made in Australia or made in Vogue Australia Australia-A-US-Trail! like extreme deep invader, iron man suit, mind-reading, robot superman and bumble bee and all DC and Marvel Superheroes robots, all tools for IC-I See! circuit design/test program, hacking tools etc. everything c/o Uncle Mark Briggs of Australia so that it is out of shame! Anak Lek-lek check your private messages for important message from Papa San and who is Mama-san? she is already a manager in Airforce 1 KTV or Flight168? imgur/gallery/jRS4a I like bones Iron Man suit so much with over 20 repulsor power re-designed to be much safer because I already sunset boulevard and its already Life After Life for me by Dr. Raymond Moody the book! Look I am already older than the Lord Jesus Christ-JC-Jim Carrey, Jacky Chan, Jennifer Connely, John Cusack, John cena who died at 30 years(He gets sick easily!) old only who is really Die Young by Kesha youtube/watch?v=NOubzHCUt48! cityofpines/baguioquake/quake.html mycondo.ph/ad-details.php?id=1085 Is this tough it should be it is expensive so much! ayalalandpremier/ autodesk/products/autocad-structural-detailing/overview Check the structure of the building in Autocad before you enter it check the beam structures or skeleton how tough it is scarry kids! Ask the Engineers for the Autocad drawing check the inner structure of the building also ask the engineer and the architect how tough is the building so that you can sleep soundly! gharexpert/articles/Cement-Concrete-1644/Column-Frame-Structure-Building_0.aspx en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquake_simulation designbuzz/10-earthquake-proof-building-designs-safe-refuge/ en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquake_resistant_structures dmcihomes/ dmcihomes/whats-new-article.php?dmci-designs-earthquakeresistant-structures=15220 ph.88db/q-Low%20rise%20condo/1/ gulfstream/ THEY SHOULD EARTHQUAKE SIMULATE ALL BUILDINGS INCLUDING CONDOMINIUMS IN THE PHILIPPINES CHECK IF THEY ARE TOUGH USE MINUTE MODELS OF THE BUILDINGS CHECK THEM ASAP TO PREVENT COLLAPSE!(Mayaman ka nakakatakot naman ang building ako ayaw ko matulog sa gabi sa High-Rise condominium baka sa gabi mag earthquake ng intensity 12 buti kung may autopilot si Iron Man para makalabas agad sa window ang exit! Buti kung Shangri-La ang building!) What if the kids can afford a Private Plane, condomiums that are earth-quake proof so Lot-lot De Leons condominium is better when you want to sleep inside it philstar/real-estate/2013/12/06/1264559/dmci-designs-earthquake-resistant-structures and you should wear Iron Man suit always when earthquake happens so you can fly out of danger, all the cars in the Philippines although I cannot drive it, houses in different parts of the world but I cannot enter it too bad so read my e-mails and private messages to you anak Lek-lek please its important you read it its for your future you and your siblings so it is important you read it! moneylessworld.org/ I would love a Moneyless World https://facebook/MoneylessWorld.org https://facebook/pages/Money-Free/147610588677642 https://facebook/LIVINGWITHOUTMONEY36 implemented in the whole wide world! Moneyless World says something will happen in year 2030 and what will happen in year 2520 I hope the invent by that time RESURRECTION technology hubpages/forum/topic/111820 by the Lord Jesus Christ if NDE(Near-death experience) is correct is resurrection technology going to snap your spirit or personality from another dimension which is heaven for the Catholics but RESURRECTION technology if invented is just a TIME TRAVEL/TIME MACHINE(TM-Tobey Mcguirre-Trade Mark!) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_travel(THE PROBLEM IS THE WORMHOLES IN SPACE-TIME ARE TOO SMALL AT THE MOMENT FOR A TIME MACHINE TO FIT INSIDE IT! I HOPE WORMHOLES ARE NOT JUST THEORY OR ASSUMPTIONS SO THAT WE CAN TRAVEL BACK IN TIME POSSIBLE IN THE FUTURE!) science.howstuffworks/science-vs-myth/everyday-myths/time-travel.htm dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2665781/Could-time-travel-soon-reality-Physicists-simulate-quantum-light-particles-travelling-past-time.html when it tries to re-animate you with resurrection technology it is basing it from the past all they need to do is create an artificial planet for humans as paradise on Earth(artificial planets just need an element generator or shrink rays to enlarge small objects into humunguous ones) 1,000,0000 bigger than the sun/star to place people there and live in paradise forever after that is RESURRECTION TECHNOLOGY from the Bible everybody will be perfect like Superman man of steel or Superman Returns (video game) what is this research that they are doing Sup gene cell/current-biology/abstract/S0960-9822(03)00612-2 to make humans perfect in the future! https://scontent-a-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t1.0-9/10563133_1444275149167898_7112465219398838407_n.jpg Another Ang Guwapo-AG-Andrew Garfield like Brandon Routh-BR-Beautiful Romania! IF Asimo https://facebook/ASIMO is already very human make a Superman robot 1 Billion of them to explore the Universe(anyway they dont need trees and dont need to breath theyre just scared of deep freeze they even have night vision etc.) and save people just equipped the robot or humanoid robot with scram jet boots or repulsor boots at different parts(with breaks or sudden stop) of His body to make Him agile as an F-16 fighter jet with piston like arms and feet to carry a bulldozer or even a plane which has a failed propellers then it can save people and recycle faulty planes which are salvaged from mid-air flight disasters, it even has as tough as fiber glass skin like Wax Work to make Him look a lot and more handsome than Brandon Routh in real life! https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10329211_1420125374916209_1974770980627842827_n.jpg?oh=784f37eb277ef622f4135bd682eb5e7b&oe=54590EE7&__gda__=1413335181_82d48736d56d8bbb954ce1e19abfc595 Is Bumblebee of the transformers the movie possible why is the movie very clear anyways all countries can have its own Bumblebee it has many uses like save flying objects if it has a problem or carry objects when earth-quakes happen, how about Bumblebee that is made in the USA or Bangladesh perhaps or a japanese or chinese or malaysian speaking Bumblebee that should be cool He is gonna play it Superman stuff like Henry Cavill-HC-HeliCopter! of Man of Steel the movie! cityofpines/baguioquake/quake.html https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10329211_1420125374916209_1974770980627842827_n.jpg?oh=784f37eb277ef622f4135bd682eb5e7b&oe=54590EE7&__gda__=1413335181_82d48736d56d8bbb954ce1e19abfc595 Is Bumblebee of the transformers the movie possible why is the movie very clear anyways all countries can have its own Bumblebee it has many uses like save flying objects if it has a problem or carry objects when earth-quakes happen, how about Bumblebee that is made in the USA or Bangladesh perhaps or a japanese or chinese or malaysian speaking Bumblebee that should be cool He is gonna play it Superman stuff like Henry Cavill-HC-HeliCopter! of Man of Steel the movie! https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10525877_1444277745834305_6534150737751663346_n.jpg How I wish all buildings are PURELY MADE OF STEEL OR ADAMANTIUM to make them real earthquake proof TO PREVENT COLLAPSE in just a 1,000 years steel beams of building already rusted inside so that you need to rebuild them again because we are just waiting for earthquakes to happen MY IDEA OF ADAMANITIUMIZING BUILDINGS SEEMS A BRIGHT IDEA LIKE THIS cyborg.hr/web-item.php?id=14 FROM CALCIUM TO TITANIUM BONES USING MICROMACHINES TO CONVERT CEMENT TO ADAMANTIUM but it is better to EARTHQUAKE SIMULATE ALL BUILDINGS to check if it collapses for Magnitude 6 to 12 earthquakes in the world! https://scontent-a-lax.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/1604665_1391481977780549_1072144070_n.jpg Wolf Predator of the Predator the movie by Arnold Schwarzenegger-AS-infinitely super Advanced Science make the planets float in space including the suns and moons make them revolve around the sun including comets and asteroids ... do I look handsome ? It is said that Wolf Predators live in Wolf 359 galaxy I hope they truly are invent them for rEAl by mutating crocodiles and wolves and aliens into homo sapiens to create them! hulkingreviewer/home/reviews/star-wars-darth-maul-son-dathomir/ https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yHqdESArkqU Too bad last post to save people I love cosplaying Darth Maul better than Superman but they both are the same Superman character to me If you need my help feel free to scroll down on my posts to save yourself from the evil of the Dark Force/Air force/ United States Air Force ... May the force be with you! so long Gretchen Barreto-GiBi shoes it should be Gabby Concepcion-GC-Gift Certificate! instead! So long Good Bye I now put this account on Deep Sleep mode or unto slumber so tiring to become Superman I think Supermans crazy saving people sometimes it is better to do nothing anymore! Song Farewell to you my friend! see this link youtube/watch?v=lZBBOWQRlsY! https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t1.0-9/10384450_1436094976652582_3894617356232885018_n.jpg Is this science of numbers correct Americans/Blondes are #1 while Black is #2 while Japan is #8 or like B or like glasses or #8 bully or loco-loco:{} 36 - $ number 36 is for ASCII equivalent for #36 is this song(Choco-choco-Cocoa-Coca-Cola-CC:Carbon Copy dedicated to #36 or Bionade) dedicated to her check this link youtube/watch?v=Zcq02eoALDc check FHM Philippines Magazine Vol. 3 Francine Prieto Cover if she the one in the cartoon drawing bearing the #8 thegentlemansclub.ph/login/ check this site is she really #8 or Kobe Bryant-KB-Ok Billionaire! Invite other friends too. 168 is the opposite of Guess jeans symbol why is that? I have her cellphone number before but too bad I lost it! #12 or #23 or #32 or #24 Supermans number! :) :P ;) :D
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 00:57:18 +0000

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