energy is a compound , and as a compound plays upon and reacts - TopicsExpress


energy is a compound , and as a compound plays upon and reacts towards other energy , now the mind is an energy and so is the body to make the point more clear on how all is energy reacting upon other energy ill give an analogy of an actual experiment conducted with particles and the presence of human beings , when no persons were in the room the particles were in a normal state but as soon as a person entered the room and put his focus towards where the particles were the particles changed dramatically in that instance , why ? because thought believe is or not is an energy a compound and although more subtle then other forms of energy is an energy none the less . that is why for example if i were to focus on one point of my body like for say my hand over a long period of time days after days the particles in my hand would very much gradually change , this is also why you hear of Yogis focusing on particular points of their body . another important note is the human magnetic field which is more like a micro version of the earths magnetic field , smaller but the same rules apply , the human heart resonates electro magnetic waves that can be measures from fifteen feet away , this human spherical energy field may have some relation to what one calls Aura ,now if a human vibrates at a positive high vibration and then a person who walks in with a energy vibration vibrating at a lower negative base level there would be a repulsion between the two, they are very unlikely to be best of mates but may tolerate one another , now if someone resonated at the same energy frequence it is likely there will be attraction of each others persona and there will be no effort of getting along it would feel natural . maybe when we hear of masters who can sense the intent of an adversary it may not be too far from the truth , if the master had some how manifested a decent amount of chi his vibrations would be more sensitive to the energy travelling along his own energy field so a persons thoughts would have a certain dark vibration aimed towards him he may pick up on, like the spiders web when a fly hits it knows from the vibrating of the web that it has caught something . in regards to health as mind is energy that means diet is only one aspect of health the diet of ones thoughts and direction of mind is even of more value to ones wellbeing and betterment , the strong focused calm mind will affect the heart, cells , brain and nervous system in a much more positive way then a very negative habitual mind .
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:58:51 +0000

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