energy manipulation is almost complete WE WILL SEE CATEGORISATION - TopicsExpress


energy manipulation is almost complete WE WILL SEE CATEGORISATION ENERGY AT WORK TONIGHT.remember unique exact which is mc squared or categorizations e has to in terms of the person calculating its lower branches results an effect on f allowing you to view it. it only became visible when all positions of e became evident in its location..even tho the figures for es ds number had yet to be discovered. so for categorizing lower branched e we have a 0 b 8 c square d is (d) is of complete sphere collection and is the highest collection number i havent foun d the figure for but i know its very big and i know how to get numberology exists in everything its d would be of formlessness so what u must do is use categorisations simplest form of maniipulation with mc squared transferring energy from the beginning of a diamond (dont forget numberology is the most complex form of categorisation and refers to energy in its mot fundamental points and how it can be manipulated) to the end of one section (8 sections) or point of duplication by first using mc squared and then using the slope between past x future sections divided by the square root of 1 and mc squared so it would be y2 - y1 / x2 - x1 formula slope or put as current energy transference - initial energy transference / current duplication point - initial duplication point . the beginning of each calculation at section points past x future sections divided by the square root of 1 will tell u how many points of duplication there are within that section. also along with these rules each time a new section or duplication point is met squaring takes place of the current energy amount as the continued progression....just letting u know that the duplication points in each section go up in the style of 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 so these 8 added up is all of them the figure that u get when u have reach the final energy amount has its energy transference calculated with mc squared and that energy is transferred outside the diamond as only the AMOUNTS and transference up to the maximum AMOUNT is what is calculated within. that figure of energy transference is (d)...also remember that as numberology is of branches of categorisation manipulation each designated position im explaining about can be used to continue the use of categorisation. 0/8 x 8/0 ^ d/square g is a/b x b/a ^ dc and r is a/b x b/a ^d/c squared that would be 0/8 x 8/0 ^ d/square and 0/8 x 8/0 ^ d/square squared...first look at d/square that means that its the same as the square root of d we will come back to g soon first lets look at 0/8 and 8/0 or a/b and b/a ...e and f... e 0/ the other way of looking at 0/8 is to remember where 0 / 8 is based on and thats of remember motions collision but in this case where 0 is found in numberology again is the amount of energy transference that takes place in all dimensional strain unit relations. 8 is also a number explaining how many energy strain units exist in a dimensions one and only energy strain. therefore the equation refers to dimensional energy strain units and dimensional energy strains. it is dimensional energy strain amonst dimensional energy strain unitsand that would equate to no other then internal dimensional based 8/0 is dimensional energy strain amongst dimensional energy strain units (other way around) and is no other than dimensional also means in terms of g and r 0/8 = 1 and8/0 = 1 so g = 1 and r = 1 squared .so knowing this we realise time travel is an object of one of four most manipulated energies [which is of the four dimensions....remember 4 is the squared square root of 8 squared]and that it squares the final energy transference amount of d...the 3 other dimensional manipulation exists also so then that squared dimensional figure is squared 3 more times. it was at this point of were i was manipulating categorisation that i found a collection of new numbers which is of f unique exact or past x future/ sqrt of 1. so the categorization manipulation can be seen on that e calculates f.. ill find the figures eventually but remember positioning is all thats needed in the manipulation and they are as follows ...r total energy transference of diamond d before dimensional manipulation ...g total energy amount of diamond d before dimensional manipulation...a initial energy amount of diamond d b initial energy transference of diamond d c total energy transference of diamond d after dimensional manipulation d energy amount of diamond d after dimensional manipulation. all thats left is e and f the exact unique numberology categorization manipulation...also remember that the first numbers[ 0 to 8 etc] are individual values effected by all sphere and diamond energy in amount of importance and for f is for several values effecting one diamond of importance. seeing as how [as explained previously] the energy manipulation exists here due to sphere and diamond energy working internally and diamond d being the formlessness diamond this would a and b of exact unique numberology is....1 and the manipulation would be 1/9 and 9/1 in translation thats respectively an energy transferenceless sphere and an energy transferenced dimension.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 12:36:34 +0000

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