entrism and excision : Is an action and domestic intelligence and - TopicsExpress


entrism and excision : Is an action and domestic intelligence and internal operation of sabtotaje indoctrination for another organization , another ideal or to make it disappear ? you have the right cleavage ( action or effect of splitting , breaking , separating ) can refer to different concepts , but separately , you expandirte as fast as possible , and unite as many forces as possible , so to meet the demands and internal or external threats to the defense of the organization, and how to direct internal conflicts of other forces, to increase your strength, and recruit as many resources for obtaining funds for political party , you can organize excision , by entrism , a political tactic used by some Trotskyist Fourth International groups known. Is that its members join (enter ) in large mass parties of their respective countries, especially those belonging to the Second International ( Socialist ) . Its main objective is to transform these reformist parties in revolutionary parties. This tactic they understood that allowed them to maintain daily contact with tens of thousands of workers , earning their right to participate in the fight and in the discussion of the movements goals , while giving them the necessary daily opportunity to test their slogans ideas and actions of the masses. In this context entrism is proposed as a way to gain supporters Leninist revolutionary program , introduced for short periods of time in such mass parties to win their most advanced militants who broke with their addresses joining the Trotskyist -Leninist organizations the Fourth International, and thus change the balance of forces, then abandoning the mass organization. This tactic is often confused with the so-called sui generis entrism , which consists of practicing the massive entry into the reformist mass organizations or Stalinists without explicit political program ( which is also called deep or entrism a closed mouth ) , which in practice leads to the gradual dissolution in such games. Its former leader Ted Grant explained: From within their ranks, among the working class fighters , forces arise out of revolutionary Marxism mass organizations nothing is created that can withstand the force of time .
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 23:01:18 +0000

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