episode 97 of corazon indomable Miguel tells Octavio he wants to - TopicsExpress


episode 97 of corazon indomable Miguel tells Octavio he wants to turn himself in now because he only has a son to live for, and I guess that’s not enough. Miguelito sure got in the wrong line when they were handing out parents. Octavio tries to convince him to let him help. Miguel agrees that the reason he’s in trouble to begin with is because Octavio brought that woman to their home. What Octavio should have said was; just because I brought her to our home, it didn’t give you the right to mistreat her like you did. She was my wife and your wife was terrible with her, and you continually backed Lucia up when I defended her. No one deserved to be treated that way, and you both deserve what’s coming to you now. But instead, Octavio really said; you’re right, it is my fault so that’s why I want to help you now. Awfulia thinks that the note’s handwriting is ugly and Simona agrees. Simona reads it and mentions it’s anonymous. It reads: You have a lot of money and I know a secret that I can tell the police, and the man who’s hiding in you house can go to jail or worse. So you’ll have to put $15,000 behind the big rock by the river near the carob tree as soon as possible. Simona can’t believe the amount of money. Awfulia tells her to burn it, but Simona wants to show it to Octavio. Awfulia says it must be from MC, trying to get close to Octavio again. She convinces her of that, so Simona rips it up and tells her to burn it. Then repeats, Only death will separate Octavio and me, and since that’s the third time I’ve heard her say that, I think the monkey writers are trying to give us a hint to the future. And also, TN rules state that if a couple is married in the church, only death will separate them. MC is talking to herself when JA rides up. He asks her if she’s at the border of the ranches in hopes of seeing Octavio. They argue about it, blah, blah, blah. He professes his loyalty to her and they repeat that he would kill him to defend her. This set up is so obvious, even Oblivio might catch on. Since Twinsebio hasn’t heard from Simona, he will send a letter to Octavio. Oblivio is having his coffee and asks Awfulia if she would be willing to testify about how bad a guy Eusebio was. She said yes. Funny scene where Twinsebio runs ten feet to whisper something to another guy, who runs ten feet to whisper to nosy neighbor, who runs ten feet to whisper to Ester, who runs ten feet to her shack to tell JA that they will all get kicked off the land because they found gold in the river and around. If it was that easy to find, why didn’t the inhabitants collect it and get enough money to leave? Just askin’. At breakfast, an unnamed housekeeper informs Simona, Octavio, and Miguel that the people on the freelands will have to vacate soon. Simona, now called Snobona, is happy about that, who wants such lowlifes so close to their highlifes? Of course wet noodle Miguel agrees, they’re yucky after all, but thankfully Octavio is a bit appalled by their attitudes. But Snobona and Wetnoodlemiguel won’t hear of it. Octavio gets frustrated and leaves, but Snobona warns him that he better not get into trouble, (read kiss MC here). She tells Miguel that she can’t stand it when he’s out of her sight. Miguel asks why, and Simona says she’s worried about what MC can make him do. And Miguel says, and this is what he really says, Octavio can’t be influenced by any woman, especially by MC. Can we believe our ears? How clueless can a character be about another? Dont answer that. JA runs to MC’s office and tells her the same news. She suggests that they could live on part of her land but JA is against that. Does she know about all of the lowlifes who live there? She wouldn’t want them living so close to her. She comes back with the fact that she grew up just like all those people, and helping them to help themselves is the idea she has. She then magic dimples him and he give in. Who can resist them? MA rides to the freelands to talk with Ester. She wants to know what is really happening there, and since Ester is the only one who has a highschool education, she thought Ester would know more. They argue about respect and position, blah blah blah. Octavio rides up right at this time also. Ester accuses her of planning on meeting him there, MC rolls her eyes and snarks back that yes, she plans all of her trysts at Ester’s shack because it’s such a great place to get it on. Ester invites Octavio in but MC says that Octavio will come with her instead, and flashes the magic dimples. Ester asks Octavio if he’s going with her, and he says that MC means nothing to him now, and to prove it, he is leaving with her. That’s the way to prove it Oblivio! Follow her. I wish I had a set of magic dimples. Simona visits the doctor. She has been feeling tired, dizzy and weak lately. Doesn’t she know she’s pregnant? Now the doctor tells her she’s pregnant. OK, I thought she knew already. I’m confused because I haven’t been watching the show if I didn’t have to recap it so I have been reading the recaps to keep up, but I thought her pregnancy was already known. The rep of the owners of Realengo is informing the people that they will give them a little bit of money to compensate them for having to leave. The people don’t want it, they want to stay. MC and Octavio hear the commotion and MC goes to investigate it. The rep brings out the silver brief case that we know has money in it because all silver brief cases do. He hands out the money and takes a picture of everyone who gets the money. MC tells everyone not to stop taking the money, they need to demand more. Simona comes home and asks unnamed housekeeper if Octavio is home. No, and how did the doctor visit go? Pregnant, and unnamed housekeeper then tells her that she has to have another right away so that this one isn’t an only child because onlys grow up unhappy and arrogant. Now I have an only child and I think she would disagree with that, and so would I. She’s happy and not arrogant at all. But she does hate to share, that’s been a problem and I think she’s going to have a hard lesson to learn when she has to share a dorm room in a few years. But I digress. Simona wonders where Octavio is. The rep wonders who this lady is, and his coworker says it must be some human rights worker. They try to get rid of her. MC announces that she will give them 5 hectares of her land for them to live on. And then she tells everyone that Octavio will do the same with 5 hectares of Simona’s ranch too. Octavio is speechless. Commercial break. Simona is still worried about Octavio’s absence. Miguel steps into it as he sits at the lunch table. Simona just knows that he’s with her, and that it was her lipstick on his shirt. Miguel still thinks it was just something Octavio picked up at work that day, not lipstick. But Miguel has learned a few tricks to calm a worried woman down after being married to Luciafer. He tells her that Octavio is liking her more each day and he’s changing. And little by little he’s forgetting MC. She seems pleased with this. Then he suggests that they take a long trip somewhere to get away from MC. Simona tells Mig that she’s pregnant. Miguel is overjoyed by the news and says that this will cement Oblivio to her now. #Borrowed
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 10:42:12 +0000

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