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   Not that I had high expectations, but I wish this Dr. Oz expose had not finished with unsubstantiated statements from the Grocery Manufacturers Association regarding the safety of GMOs and associated research. In watching the clips a second time I realized he actually starts with the premise that GMOs are literally in everything, and THAT is why they are not labeled... At first I was pleased to see him taking up the cause, but then it ended with those bogus claims and statistics, with no effort made to confront or address them, even briefly..... The GMA whom he cites claims it is the voice of more than 300 leading food, beverage and consumer product companies but when you try and search their membership, the link fails.... - I might assume it is composed of the usual suspects (Monsanto et al.), but how/why they were allowed to get that strongly articulated misinformation in the closing remarks, w/o any objection or comment is suspicious... He commented on the pesticides and prevalence of GMOs, etc. but gave no readily available statistics -which would have made those comments much more significant. 90% of major cultivated crops in the USA are now GMO, and of those - a further 90% are engineered specifically for herbicide tolerance (HT) (glyphosate) and or Bt toxin production. Glyphosate is toxic and its use has dramatically increased with the rise of herbicide tolerant GMO crops. And because its particularly corn and soy, it is in EVERYTHING, as he said, and animal feed=meat. However, Dr. OZ didnt really mention any of those important factors - nor studies on how terrible glyphosate is, or the fact that Monsanto et al have engineered crops to actually produce BT toxin within the GMO plant itself - before any external application of herbicide. He admitted that GMO’s have elevated pesticide (how elevated?), and GMO’s are in everything (ok – is this so bad?). This kinda seemed like it was good, but what did it really tell you about GMOs or pesticides? and how did it end? He kind of admitted to two things: 1. people are afraid GMOs are exposed to pesticides (industry knows this is now undeniable and well established, but in the absence of noting the levels, how terrified is anyone reading that). So one might just say all food gets some pesticide on it. Then he admitted that GMOs are in everything, w/o actually first demonstrating how thoroughly bad they are/that is, how we know, and why this is an epidemic. So really after watching this some might think ‘the jury is still out’, and its in everything already, no wonder they dont want to label it! What would be the point! Something about how this played out just doesnt sit right with me, more Monsanto sell outs like NDT and Oprah…
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 00:47:12 +0000

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