[Dystopian / Philosophical / Magical-Realism / - TopicsExpress

   [Dystopian / Philosophical / Magical-Realism / Literary / Romance] A provocative soul-searching journey set in Tokyo that satirizes and challenges the human condition, subjective perception, our socio-political system, capitalist mechanism and consumer culture through a university students search for love, for what had been long lost and what it means to be human. Yet all that remains is a peculiar coffee order. In the technological era where images and sounds ricochet, and identity, thought, memories and emotions decay, an escape against oppression, mindless agents and against reality itself. System is Everything. --- Struck me to the very core of my being... Intellectually challenging... Very interesting concept of reality... Thought provoking.. Like a seven course meal full of spice and illumination... One does not listen to a classical piece to get to its ending. No. It is the ride, the moment by moment...a genuine Masamune among stories. Offers acute, almost painful observations of the minutiae of life, if life took place in a Murakami snow-globe. - Review on IndieReader Insiders Its not a regular thing to find a piece of work that oozes sophistication and embodies literature and art. - “An interesting ‘vapoury’ style that seems to hover off world at times…shows assurance and poise…haunting and strange (which is good); intelligence present on page…sense of terror in the core… You’re on to something different, striking.” - B.W. Powe, Associate Professor, Dept of English, York University and author of A Climate Charged, Outage, The Unsaid Passing, and Marshall McLuhan and Northrop Frye: Apocalypse and Alchemy
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 21:44:58 +0000

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