et those who have ears to hear what the Spirit of the LORD is - TopicsExpress


et those who have ears to hear what the Spirit of the LORD is saying to His Ecclesia! We are supposed to be HEARING the voice of God and experience the Supernatural like in the Azusa Street and Brownsville Revivals, but we are not because we are not willing to be quiet and still and stop letting so much of the world into our ear and eye gates and out our mouth gate. The Ecclesia must do as they did in the Upper Room, humbling themselves, being still and quiet, listening, praying and waiting upon Holy Spirit to come! Ruach Ha Kodesh wants to come like the mighty rushing wind as He did on the day of Pentecost and display His mighty power thru them for all the world to see, so that they too will humble themselves, repent, and turn from their wicked ways, and turn to the LORD! Obedience is key! We have to be willing to be a living sacrifice and stop allowing our flesh to get in the way of us doing what God created us and called us to do! I challenge ALL of Gods people to go on a 40 day fast, and also a 40 day total media fast (no TV, phone, internet, radio, newspapers, etc.) and lets see what God will do in us and thru us as we humble ourselves before Him and wait upon Him to speak to us. To also take time to pray every day during the 40 days, especially praying in the Spirit (Heavenly language, tongues). To write down what they hear from the LORD. To write out prayer petitions for ourselves, our families, our Church, the entire Body of Christ, Israel, the USA, our government leaders and all the leaders on the earth, for our communities, for things that are happening in the earth, etc, as Holy Spirit leads you to do. Jesus most fervent and heart-felt prayer He ever prayed on this earth was that we would be united together AS ONE, just as He, the Father, and Holy Spirit are ONE! Lets come together AS ONE and lets shake the powers of the kingdom of darkness and tear down the throne of iniquity!!! TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT! TOGETHER WE CAN DO ANYTHING! Lets call upon the anointing of Yahshua to empower us to do this for the glory of Yahwehs Kingdom! Lets be willing to do the hard things God calls us to do and not sit on the sidelines like wimpy Christians hoping for the rapture to come so we wont have to suffer! NO!!! WE ARE WARRIORS IN THE GREAT ARMY OF YAHWEH!!! Lets start acting like it!! ITS TIME FOR THE CHURCH TO WAKE UP!!!! WE NEED A MOVE OF GOD LIKE NEVER BEFORE IN THIS EARTH!!! Father God, I ask for Your anointing to go forth and be poured out upon Your Ecclesia to empower us to do the hard things that You ask of us. To be obedient to all that You command us to do. I bind with the power of the precious blood of Yahshua all the lies and the works of Satan that would try to hinder my brothers and sisters in Yahshua from hearing this message and acting upon it in their own lives. I loose their ears to hear what Holy Spirit is saying to the Ecclesia TODAY, and that they would choose LIFE by their obedience to the commands of our Heavenly Father, so that they will become who they were destined to be for Your glory and to advance Your Kingdom in the earth as it is in Heaven! I am excited to see what Your divine purpose is for this act of obedience, Father, and to see what You are going to do in us and thru us as we learn to hear and OBEY Your voice like never before! Fill us NOW Father with Your divine power, love, and grace as we embark on this journey with You. Use us as instruments in Your hands to do Your will in this earth. Help us to see what we need to repent for and change in ourselves and in our lives. We receive our forgiveness freely by the power of the precious blood of Your Beloved Son, Yahshua, who freely gave His life for us and learned obedience thru His sufferings. May we be willing to share in the cup of His sufferings as well, and not only always be looking for His benefits and blessings. I pray Father of Light, that as we pray in the Spirit, the wells of Living Waters within us be stirred up and start flowing out of us like the Rivers of Life that flow from Your Throne! I pray that You transform us, mold and shape us like clay in Your hands into the vessels of honor that You can pour Yourself into and pour us out for the people who need You so desperately in this earth Father! I pray that all that needs to die within us be burned up now so that when we stand before You we will only be left with eternal gifts and things that glorify YOU and that we were willing to give up EVERYTHING on this earth that You asked us to because the rewards You have in store for us are so above and beyond anything that we could ever imagine or dream of! I pray Father that You remove all false doctrines, false belief systems, religious spirits, generational curses, all fear, doubt, and unbelief, all the lies and deceit of the enemy, all false idols, all self-delusions, all illusions, all selfishness, all self-centeredness, all false dreams, visions, and goals that are not part of Your perfect will for our lives, all addictions, all perversion from our minds, and help us to take into captivity every thought and subject them to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:4-6). I ask that once we are emptied of all the negative things that must go Father, that You fill us to overflowing with Your love, peace, joy, kindness, goodness, meekness, faith, self-control, and that You give us the mind of Christ. I pray that we be overflowing with love for people, a renewed compassion and passion for spreading the Gospel everywhere we go! Whether its at the store, a gas station, a restaurant, the street, that You would show us what to do and say as we are led by Holy Spirit. Take us to the hedges and byways where the people are that so desperately need You are, and give us the love and compassion to minister to them according to Your Word in Isaiah 61. The widows, orphans, elderly, single mothers, children without fathers, the homeless, the most needy of Your love and of hope for the future. Your Word says that You provide seed to the sower and I pray You pour out a blessing so BIG there will not be room enough to contain it to those who will be good stewards of Your blessing and use it according to Your will for the harvest of souls and to minister to the needy, and not use it on their own selfish desires or materialistic idol worship. I thank You Father that You are causing the Great Wealth Transfer from the hands of the wicked into the hands of the Righteous and nothing can stop it! YOUR WILL BE DONE ON THIS EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!!! YOUR KINGDOM COME!!! FOR YOURS IS THE KINGDOM, AND THE POWER, AND THE GLORY, FOREVER AND EVER, AMEN!!!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 22:32:17 +0000

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