ever feel stupid and lucky at the same time??? Our goats are all - TopicsExpress


ever feel stupid and lucky at the same time??? Our goats are all in the barn for the night...temp is dropping like a rock outside...you are doing one of your night time checks to make sure everyone is OK......and you find real runny poop...Now all your Nubians have their tails clamped tight...lucky all the moms and babies are in stalls...you are on your last goat.....prying its tail away from its body as they know you are the lady with a thermometer in your pocket and are not afraid to use it if one looks humped up with head down...LOL NOTHING....AND YET THERE IS THAT RUNNY POOOOOOO... who did you miss? so you walk over and shine your flashlight on it and see a white ring around it...take a piece of straw and stick in it and wave it under your nose....DANG PEACOCKS about gave me a heart attack. I sure dont want goats down with this freezing weather coming our way. The Peafowl love to come to the barn during the day and one left me a present I hadnt seen earlier.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 00:54:26 +0000

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