ever heard would be irreversible words of our Lord Jesus Christ, - TopicsExpress


ever heard would be irreversible words of our Lord Jesus Christ, Depart from me, I never knew you (Matthew 7:23). Tragically , Jesus will give back many who called him Lord on judgment day . These are people who may have been true to their name , they did mighty works and prophesied in his name , however , will be disqualified to enter heaven (Matthew 7:21-23 ) . The phrase Depart from me is the final sentence to hell as noted , when Jesus used in Matthew 25:41 again . He says, Depart from me , you cursed , into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. You would think that this unexpected and horrible judgment that Christians would wonder who these people are and if in fact, could be one of them . Some might dismiss any notion that the warning applies to them because they know that they believe in Jesus . But how do you know that your faith is genuine ? Santiago describes two kinds of faith in his epistle . Tests a living and genuine faith that justifies a dead and false faith that only gives false hope. Santiago is warning professing Christians whose faith is barren and unfruitful , you are foolish not to recognize that their faith is dead and useless ( James 2:17 , 20) . Only genuine faith bears fruit. Faith without works is the faith of demons, the mere intellectual assent without repentance. When James says, Show me your faith , is asking for evidence of their new life in Christ ( James 2:18 ) . Since faith is invisible , can not be seen by other men. Similarly, one can see a gust of wind , but you can see its effects. True faith is justified by those who are doers of the word and not hearers only ( James 1:22 ) That is why James said . , I will show you my faith by my works ( James 2:18 ) .
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 21:24:21 +0000

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