everyone always focusses on all the bad things that happened... - TopicsExpress


everyone always focusses on all the bad things that happened... they attempt to use the bad things to somehow guilt trip everyone into respecting the original people. rather than using the negative side of the occurrences to perpetuate a mindset of feeling bad for the original people, it seems to me far more productive to focus on the things which glorify and insight genuine respect for such people. for example, the recognition of Baime as the creator god... they knew God and were in constant contact with that force. that is a very great recognition of the intellect and mind of those people... who are still alive. all we seem to get fed about the original peoples of this land is that they want equality and to be put into the consitution or they want their land back or any number of things that instinctively the majority of citizens do not want or understand. dividing this unified country into small tribal groups and trying to recreate something that has unfortunately passed is not practical. we are all Australians now... and we should be positive about that. The thing is that because people in our modern society are so detatched from their spirituality they do not realise or recognise the value of the spirits and fairies that are native to this land. in the same way that there is a story of a kangaroo, that is a real animal, thre is a story of a wanjina, that is a real entity. these spirit beings have been kept from our sight and in many cases killed by destroying the stories that they inhabit and making the people who know those stories believe that they are meaningless fairytales. Austrlia as a spiritual dimension will remain a vast blank christian desert until the stories from the past are remembered and told in ceremonies that can bring forth the beings that live within them. do not give life to the spirits of negativity, colonisation, european and massacre... rather give life to the platapus and his friends and wallaby and his friends... and give glory and utmost honouring to the people who lived alongside them, and luckily still live with us today... we need to ask them for their words and reclaim original Australian religion as a living culture that we all participate in when we wake and sleep and eat and procreate. native and natural religion still has one god, the same god as all the world and all the universe... but like you and me, the stories and spirits of gods work in those places changes.... we need to use our positive love energy to bring those memories of who we truly are back into the country that we share.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 09:47:53 +0000

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