everything transpired as the scientists had formerly - TopicsExpress


everything transpired as the scientists had formerly predicted: the destroyer penetrated the martian orbit and wrenched mars with it into another solar orbit, namely that of phaeton, where it remained. subsequently, phaeton drifted away, however, because of the destroyers powerful forces, but managed to exist in this orbit until the time when it was destroyed by its inhabitants many millennia later, and became the asteroid belt. during this drifting catastrophe, the inhabitants of phaeton were decimated from approximately 470 million people to barely 14 million; however, they were able to recover somewhat and by the time they destroyed their planet, their population had increased again to approximately 52 million. the refugees on earth lost contact with the people on phaeton and mars, which became completely desolate and its remaining inhabitants perished. individuals from the benefactor group who previously had demanded that they be exalted and worshipped, fiercely spread their false teachings and never again allowed the well-disposed benefactors to gain any power. in this manner, the creator-overlords were then capable of putting on the airs of terrestrial mans creators, rising to power and spreading their insane religious doctrines which, however, contained an absolutely novel yet equally false history of humankinds origin, history and belief. its purpose was to definitively destroy and lose all data of mankinds true descent in the event that someone else would attempt to secretly glean the information from somewhere
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 02:14:00 +0000

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