everytime a state commits an egregious excess and the world - TopicsExpress


everytime a state commits an egregious excess and the world remains a mute spectator , we are pushing the world a few notches away from sanity . when we fail to distinguish between weak and strong , or the only way we distinguish it is by reading it along with the rabid survival of the fittest darwin theory , we augment chaos . I dont want to sound like a pious philosopher ..... neither am i going to indulge in obfuscation . we are aware fanaticism and jingoism have anarchy for company and enjoy it too . the justification that they would like to give for it is , peace will be the outcome for which brutality becomes the necessary evil . someone pray tell me , why is evil necessary ? how can peace account for the pain and scars that the world undergoes in the process ? yes , we can simply deem it collateral damage and be done with it . perhaps the annual ritual of remembering them would be the additional compensation . this I post at the risk of being dubbed a communist .
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 05:41:19 +0000

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