exactly 11:42 PM , I was kidnapped from my home. The man who had - TopicsExpress


exactly 11:42 PM , I was kidnapped from my home. The man who had m kidnapped me shot me with his gun until I was gone. I was never found beacause he locked my body in the attic, then left it to decay. I week later, I returned. Soon I found him and got my revenge. You have10 minutes to post this to 20 pictures. Examples: A teenager named Emma read this and didnt belive it. She laughed, closed her computer, and continued with her day. That night i grabbed a knife from her kitchen and stabbed her to death. I shoved her bloody body deep into her shed. Then there was Thomas, (he was only 12 years old) He read it and freaked out a lil, he posted it to 11 coments,rookie mistake. Now every night when hes sleeping I give him the scare of his life, he should be scarred right now. Then the last one, Kim,she is a smart one. She got scared and posted this to 20 comments, as told. Now every night after she falls aleep I make sure she is okay. So if u want to live, post this to 20 comments in 10 minutes, good luck! You time starts in 3,2
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 09:18:12 +0000

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