excerpt #Seventy It was one of those moments that you see in - TopicsExpress


excerpt #Seventy It was one of those moments that you see in movies. The afternoon was sunny and quiet, the setting peaceful. That was all about to change. Looking back later, no one was exactly sure how everything happened, but they all agreed on one thing. It was a big mess. KATIE was the first to reach the intersection, right in front of McMichael and Dougan in the lead Saturn, just as Jennifer and the girls charged in from the opposite direction. Mannlizer and Susan entered a split second later, slamming on the brakes to miss the train of Saturn’s that had suddenly been derailed. One of the cars managed to careen past the debris and through a fence on the other side. The cows, unconcerned by the noise and confusion, began wandering out and joined the spectacle. And quite a spectacle it was. Mannlizer was the first to react. He jumped out and started running to KATIE, trying not to panic when he realized that Jennifer was nowhere in sight. Do that lizard thing! Buddy panicked as he saw Mannlizer bearing down on them, a look of fury on his face. Cross hit the CHAMELEON button, then he and Buddy sat quietly and didn’t move, hoping to go unnoticed in the confusion. That plan may have worked if KATIE hadn’t transformed into a couple of cows. Buddy sat astride one cow, Cross sat on the other. They were rather conspicuous, to say the least. Where’s Jennifer? Mannlizer yelled as he ran. Where is she? Shhh, Cross sat perfectly still and tried not to move his lips. We don’t want them to find us. Mannlizer grabbed Buddy and pulled him off the cow and onto the ground. Buddy stared into the face of a furious Mannlizer, made even more frightening by the streaks of paint still visible from the day before. Warpaint was the first thought that sprang to Buddy’s mind. It was a fitting description. What have you done with Jennifer! Mannlizer had grabbed Buddy by the collar and had halfway lifted him off the ground. Jennifer? Buddy managed to squeak out through his terror. My daughter! Where is she! Help! It was Jennifer’s voice heard above the chaos. Mannlizer abruptly dropped Buddy and spun in the direction of the sound. Help! he heard again as he spotted her. The armored truck had spun out of control and landed in the middle of a pond on the other side of the intersection. Jennifer and the girls had managed to get out of the now-sinking truck, but were unsure whether to try to swim or to stay perched on the truck’s hood. Immediately, Mannlizer jerked Cross off the cow in the instant that it turned back into the little tank. He jumped in and KATIE picked her way quickly through the debris to the edge of the pond and plunged in. After what seemed like forever, but was actually only a few moments, he reached the sinking truck and began pulling the girls in. When they were all safe, Jennifer finally collapsed in her father’s arms. Oh, sweetie, are you all right? Mannlizer held her tightly. Jennifer could only nod in response. Everybody else OK? Miraculously, other than a few bruises and scratches, the girls were fine. Jessie, Coleesha and Selena chattered nervously about their escapade while Mannlizer hugged his daughter again. Thank God you’re safe. I was so worried about you, he began. He clutched her even tighter. In the distance he could hear Dougan’s voice barking out orders. Mannlizer glanced over Jennifer’s shoulder. The general was picking his way through the cows, marching towards them. They had to get away. Sweetie, I love you, but we’ve got to get out of here, he quickly took the controls and began to drive KATIE out of the pond. At least, that’s what would have happened if KATIE had still been running. Instead, she was dead in the water. What? Oh, of course! He had said I love you. KATIE had heard that and shut herself down. I love you, Mannlizer quickly said, and heard the satisfying sound of the little tank starting up. I love you, too, Pop, Jennifer replied. KATIE shut down. No, it’s for KATIE, Mannlizer said as he saw Dougan drawing closer and closer. I love you. Again, the tank sprang to life. Don’t you love me, too? Jennifer had a confused, hurt look on her face. Oh, of course I love you, sweetie, Mannlizer made a face and an exasperated sound when he realized what he had said. The tank again wasn’t working. I love you! Mannlizer shouted and immediately reached out to cover Jennifer’s mouth with his hand. Don’t say anything. I’ll explain later. As KATIE made her way across the pond, Dougan dodged among the increasingly unruly cows. Out of my way! he ordered as if expecting the cows to salute in return. Dougan could see KATIE emerge from the pond and grew frantic trying to reach the tank. Move! he yelled at a cluster of cows in his way. One by one, at an excruciatingly slow pace, the cows began to move. First one, then another, and another. Dougan’s face took on a purplish color as his rage mounted. At last, there was only one remaining in his path, a tremendous specimen, strong and determined. Dougan bellowed at it again. The magnificent beast looked in the direction of the annoyance, then turned to face Dougan squarely, its breath coming in audible snorts. It was obvious that this one had no intention of moving. Dougan stomped his feet and waved his arms furiously. The animal only snorted harder and lowered its head as Dougan yelled again, noticing for the first time the huge horns on this one. It was then he realized that this was no cow. This one was a bull. McMichael watched all this from the safety and relative comfort of his Saturn. He thought about jumping out and going to Dougan’s aid, or running after KATIE, but he realized he didn’t care. That was it: he just didn’t care anymore about impressing Dougan. Now it all seemed so silly, particularly as he watched soldiers trying to order around a bunch of cows. Besides, he recognized that it was Mannlizer who had gotten KATIE away from the thieves. The little tank was back in good hands now. He could relax. In the back of his mind, he did wonder how Mannlizer had heard about KATIE’s disappearance. Oh well, not his concern right now. In fact, he realized there was only one thing he did care about right now, and that was getting out of this mess and going to see Susan! Susan? Susan! It was her. She was running after KATIE, waving her arms. McMichael quickly extricated his car from the pile of Saturn’s in the field. Luckily, it was still driveable, he was happy to discover. Happy. Now that’s something he hadn’t felt in a while, he realized as he made his way to the waving figure. Not since he’d last seen her. The question was how she would feel seeing him. Well, he’d know in a couple of seconds. The drive across the field seemed to take forever, as a thousand questions and emotions flooded through him. Mostly, though, he was just happy. Come here often? He pulled alongside Susan and threw the passenger door open. Mac! Her face was a puzzle of emotions. Surprise, bewilderment, delight, maybe a little bit of anger. He chose to dwell on the delight. Hop in, he said unnecessarily. Susan was already in and closing the door as she gestured toward KATIE. After them! she exclaimed as if she was hijacking a New York taxi in a movie chase scene. Yes, ma’am! McMichael replied enthusiastically. He didn’t know how or why, but Susan was involved with the KATIE hunt and wanted to catch the retreating tank. Right now, that was all the information he needed. The lieutenant floored the accelerator of the battered Saturn. The chase was on.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 17:29:28 +0000

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