excuse the note- form..am so thankful it fell to me to speak i - TopicsExpress


excuse the note- form..am so thankful it fell to me to speak i am humbled and honoured to be speaking now at this such a momentous occasion of ones life, it is said,and we can now vouch for it to be so..that it is so very extra painful when one s mother leaves this life Mum, was born The4th of6 children, in Surrey, to the Boyle family and was the last surviving . We we are very grateful to have mums remaining sister in law on her side of the family, Jane Boyle and our cousins also and their families here today ,I remember Mum saying that her father believed in the children deciding for themselves when older which, if any,faith they would have And in the course oftime mum at the age of 30 became a catholic to marry our late father, in new zealand where she had travelled to upon opportunities opening up after ww2 for british trained nurses there. Mum told me once that when the extreme trials of marriage came for her that her faith enabled her to carry on ..giving her strength no matter the gravity of those trials at a very young age, i recall we were in a small upstairs bedroom, all on our knees in a circle and mum led us in the rosary in absolute faith that our prayer would give strength for the latest trial her situation had her, and sometimes her children, endure I remember it as a comforting time praying like that ...too young to know what was wrong but i knew something must be but felt utter confidence we were doing the ultimate thing to make things better ...something as clear today as then ..that the hole inside of us can only be filled successfully with that which fits /it is a god shaped hole/ Still in new zealand, I remember mum and i sitting on the kerb on a rare one on one treat of a trip to town, waiting for the bus home... in our home made sumner dresses eating an icecream just u and i and u reached over with a licked corner of your handkerchief to wipe the corners my mouth clean before getting on the bus I treasured those little acts of intimacy all my life as they *were rare as you had your hands so full being mother and father and later sole wage earner also for us 5 ..nearly always struggling but doing your best to keep it from us , yet you had an overiddingly cheerful calm asurance ,with that faith that knows no understanding Again.....The time on the bus in lima peru or was it curaçao on one ofthestops duringour6 week voyage that moved us to south docks ..1 had just turned 6...yr purse was stolen on that bus in south america And i remember your subdued shock but then yr quick assuring recovery and the relief i Felt when i heard yr quiet words that it was alright as you had left some of our money back on the boat . .always wise and charitable, inspirin g the same backAnd indeed the rest of the bus clubbed together to make up the money stolen from mums bag, by one of their own ...for the Englis h speaking lady with 5 children. I remember being proud of you looking so lovely in your pink cotton print dress as you bent to our shorter level to sort out philip the youngest at 3 and in reins as we scanned the mass of faces on the dock for great uncle les and uncles Hugh and Colin who met us and drove us to London. God always pulled you through in this hard fallen world as u knew who to fix your eyes on / u knew what would be the end of yr story which has come now..that you would be with the saviour, free of our very real mortal coils /victorious in joy/ because of the work ..in love.. of jesus The words its all right were echoed throughout our lives , along with the usual mothers stand by we ll see ...(so so much more hopeful than a no or a broken promise, ) and another stalwart things will be better in the morning Ty mum as i was able,in turn, at least sometimes, to be like that to my children and now just last week i have lived to hear yr legacy pass on further as my own daughter beatrice echoed those same assurances she had heard from me, ..back out to me in my sadness..that things will get better in the morning .so very much to be thankful for having had an exceptional mother,..as the benefits pass on and on I loved your things always have a way of turning out especially when i could see the truth of it much later ...And how it is an echo of the apostle Paul writing to the beleaguered early church of Rome. (Romans Ch8 verse 28) Very seldom did i see my mothers worries over the years turn to despair over anything / and when they did the recovery was quick..she kept any tears and travails, as much as her humanity allowed,for her private moments with her maker I know we caused you angst and a tear too too many times mum Thank you for the countless prayers you made on our behalf for the faith planted in our childhood for being a mother that prayed for us i...worth more than any earthly treasure mums strength and hope was a gift from god and caused her to bring about trojan feats in the face of seemingly impossible odds That Move to England was an epic victory in itself , and thru his wisdom inside of herso clearly , life slowly but surely started to fall into place for mum..any trials being dealt with calmly even miraculously on the way..as she started out again ...raising us essentially alone, gaining her state certified midwife certificate in London where we first lived , working nights & studying days somehow keeping the family together ..tho at times things looked fragile , but amazing help came from her family and also my elder sisters.. felicity was an amazing mini- mum to us all and i thank you so much for taking up the baton that was passed to you so young when so often called to do so ..and since ..and to this day you have willingly done so, ...as the rest of us have tried to do also ...that counted for her,and for the cause of love against which there is no law.. Mum attracted great loyalty and good turns, which were indeed her own trademarks her constant fairness to us ...a never failing presence in any situation with wit energy and discretion wherever she could help . also a wonderful mother in law many times over, aunt, friend and neighbor, community member and active catholic parish member and will be remembered so thankfully by the communities she served in Bromyard and Malvern ,....running Park House retirement home where we lived much of our childhood ( and i love the elderly as a consequence, a definite blessing....:)).... later mum served as midwife in worcester ..then .as district nurse And midwife in malvern Mums passing leaves a huge gap in our lives. She chose the hymns to be sung at this her funeral ....The breathtaking love and shelter God has for us was summed up in her favourite psalm23 the lord is my shepherd which we sang today..mum knew this one and only sure -guide in life..her shepherd ..who has gathered in a precious sheep in her where her cup overfloweth In Heaven Mums loyalty whether attending mass or preparing everyday or heyday and holiday meals for us and her never failing in the sending -of -cards -and -gifts -deparment,writing us letters , phoning and visiting ,/ making our visits the home from home they always were, no matter how much she must have been inconvenienced and out of pocket for sure as our families grew,throughout the decades, most of her life on little means In these last few years as the fog of her great age clouded, I remember Herfacewhen myself and the children used get close to her ear to tell her that we loved her and that jesus did too...she beamed in incredulous wonder ...I remember when bunty told her last year that she was the matriarch of the family and her role model, ... Mums delighted shock was priceless The loyalty to her our children felt was a tribute to her of course ((Oscar felt very fortunate to have visited her very close to what became her last day, which was just 6 days after her 95 birthday ..and i saw the lovely words in her birthday cards from Jerome daniel helena and Amelia and e everyone a couple hours after she left us, but still resting there in her room ) I am so grateful to her...Mums Yes dears were the best feeling ever ...all was right with the world when mum called us dear ...she created the same warm haven for our own children, as shedid for us especially In my childrens case s during what would have otherwise have been lonely leave outweekends from malvern college, as we lived abroad.. Living to a grand age of 95 and 6 days Mum lived to bury many relatives including our brother chris, at 58 ,2 years ago, and a grand child ,alice at 3 mths, nearly 25 years ago ..a time which i cannot imagine how I would have got through without ...her sharing my grief/ pouringbher quiet love and generous energy and life into us ..the lynchpin of the family that she was always determined to do what she knew was right no matter what ... always on our side when we made a perhaps wrong turn, patient , enduring Thankyou For the maybe 1000s of things you made ( And taught us to) especially knitted, for us and later for our own loved ones too /for the countless meals you cheerfully and generously shopped for , prepared and baked/ your vegetable and flower gardens thank you for all the seaside holidays you saved for/ for the games you played with us, often when you had little time to spare, to increase our general knowledge/ to educate us / for fun and exercise for the literature and learning you exposed us to/ for the wise counsel you gave directly but mostly subliminally.. for the example you set ...for the training us upthe way to go with both a moral and work ethic We will love and honor you forever And can hardly wait to get to heaven to join you and those there before us, in what may seem a blink of an eye as God sees our lives down the track of all time , but we trust in faith that whatever the duration of our lives may be, we come to know the merciful love of god thru his son as you did mum i love that the thief on the cross at the 11 th hour came to belief, and changed his destination to paradise, jesus said. We re counting it all as joy, you re through in victory to peace and love darling mum Thank you from so deeply in my heart for being the pointer to what matters and we can hardly wait to see you again , made whole and new, as, in belief, we all will in eternity be ...on hearing the news at university in america, Bunty, mums youngest grandchild, and our youngest, at 18 (Oliver, mums eldest grandchild, will be speaking next..so grateful for you always Oliver and to all the 10 grandchildren for being such lights in mums life ..may she shine on in you all ) ..Bunty posted these words and a picture on her facebook timeline Grandma, even though you are not with us any longer, >>>>you will continue to inspire me throughout my life by your example of what a strong, merciful, dignified woman looks like. I will love you forever, and miss you always. I know you are Resting in Peace. — Sent from Yahoo! Mail for iPad
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 22:03:04 +0000

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