eyes here 12 Basic Steps To Become Successful in - TopicsExpress


eyes here 12 Basic Steps To Become Successful in PlanetMobile 1. GO OVER WITH THE MATERIALS * PRODUCT BROCHURE *PLASTIC ID, PRICE LIST * THE LEGAL DOCUMENTS 2. USE THE PRODUCT AND FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF BE THE PRODUCT OF YOUR OWN PRODUCTS 3. MAKE A PROSPECT ‘S LIST (AT LEAST 100 NAMES) WRITE THEIR NAMES, CELL NUMBER AND PROFILES AND REMARKS. WARMTH LISTS AND COLD LISTS. 4. INVITATION THE ART OF INIVITATION WOULD MAKE OR BREAK YOU DOING THE BUSINESS. 90% IS OVER THE PHONE AND 10% IS PERSONAL * DON’T SHARE OR GIVE ANY IDEA ABOUT THE PURPOSE OR THE REASON WHY YOU ARE INVITING THEM (YOUR PROSPECTS). * DON’T PRE-JUDGE IF THEY WILL BE IF THEY WILL BE INTERESTED OR NOT. * JUST INVITE AND SET THE MEETING WITH YOUR PROSPECTS! * THERE WILL BE WORDS TO AVOID (NETWORKING, SEMINAR, P5,690.00) * F.O.R.M (FAMILY BACKGROUND OR INFO, OCCUPATION, RECREATION AND MESSAGE) * K.I.S.S (KEEP IT SHORT AND SIMPLE) 5. PRESENTATIONS THIS IS THE MOST FIRST STEP ON BUILDING YOUR BUSINESS BY BRINGING YOUR PROSPECTS FOR THEM TO LEARN * BAP (BUSINESS AWARENESS PRESENTATION) – BIG/MASS BAP AND TABLE TALK PRESENTATION * ABC RULES/ABC SYSTEM * A – STANDS FOR “ADVISOR” (TOP EARNERS, TARPAULINS, THE OFFICE, THE PRODUCTS, SHARE THE STORY OF THE SUCCESS OF PLANET MOBILE MEMBERS OR MOBILEPRENEUR. * B – STANDS FOR BRIDGE “YOU” – YOUR ROLL IS TO CONNECT THE ADVISOR AND YOUR PROSPECT OR GUESTS. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY IS MORE ON STORY TELLING AND BUILDING-UP EVERYTHING IN PLANET MOBILE (SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE, PRODUCTS, THE OFFICE, UPLINES) 6. C – STANDS FOR “CLIENTS” / PROSPECTS YOUR OBJECTIVE IS TO OPEN THE MIND OF YOUR PROSPECTS. * THE EFFECT OF BRIDGING IS TO EXCITE AND MAKE YOUR GUESTS/PROSPECTS TO BUILD THE CURIOUSNESS. 7. MAM – MEETING AFTER MEETING THIS IS WHERE WE ADDRESS THE CONCERNS AND QUESTIONS OF YOUR GUESTS/PROSPECTS. * THE PROPER MATCHING – CONNECTIVENESS AND TALKING TO THE SAME PROFILES * THIS IS THE PERSONAL TOUCH STAGE BETWEEN YOUR PROSPECTS AND THE SUCCESSFUL PLANET MOBILE MEMBERS OR MOBILEPRENEUR. * DON’T LET YOUR PROSPECT/S GO HOME WITHOUT TALKING TO AT LEAST 3 SUCCESSFUL PLANET MOBILE MEMBERS OR MOBILEPRENEUR. * GETTING THE COMMITMENT OF YOUR CLIENTS/PROSPECTS 8. FOLLOW-UP OR FOLLOW THROUGH (48 HOUR RULES) * ASKING OR FOLLOW-UP OF YOUR PROSPECT’S COMMITMENT (90% PERSONAL AND 10% THROUGH PHONE. * CHECKING THEIR INTERESTS LEVEL AND OTHER CONCERNS 9. SW4 PRINCIPLES * SOME WILL JOIN, SOME WILL NOT JOIN, SO WHAT…SOMEONE IS WAITING * THERE WILL BE PEOPLE WHO ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS AND SOME ARE NOT * SOME IS NOT READY FOR LEARNING NEW THINGS AND DOING NEW THINGS 10. CENTERING THIS IS AN ACTIVITY OF WHERE YOU GET YOUR KNOWLEDGE WHILE DOING AND STARTING YOUR PLANET MOBILE BUSINESS. LEARNING IS THE FOUNDATION OF ALL GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS. * THIS IS WHERE YOU GET YOUR ENERGY AND WHERE YOU RE-ENERGIZE * THIS IS WHERE YOU EQUIPED AND RE-EQUIPPING YOURSELF BY LEARNING AND HEARING MORE FROM THE PEOPLE WHO ARE SUCCESSFUL. 11. GOAL SETTING – THIS IS THE STARTING POINT OF CREATING YOUR DESIRES IN LIFE. KNOWING WHAT YOU WANT IN LIFE. * GOALS WILL GIVE YOU DIRECTION, MOTIVATION AND YOUR FUEL TO CREATE ENERGY. * YOUR TARGET (SHORT, MIDDLE AND LONG TERM GOALS) * EXAMPLE: YOUR TARGET INCOME IN THE NEXT COMING WEEKS * GOAL – PLAN YOUR WORK – WORK THE PLAN (ACTION) – RESULTS 12. COORDINATION/COMMITMENT G.L.L.A (GOOD LEARNING AND LISTENING ATTITUDE) * DEVELOPING THE ATTITUDE, SKILLS AND OTHER THINGS (MASTERY OF THE BUSINESS) * AVOID THE A.K.N.Y “Alam Ko na Yan” – DON’T STOP LEARNING * MAKING YOURSELF AVAILABLE MOST SPECIALLY ON THE TRAINING SESSIONS. QUOTES: START, START STRONG AND NEVER, NEVER QUIT! QUITTERS DON’T WIN AND WINNERS DON’T QUIT! GOING IS TOUGH AND TOUGH PEOPLE KEEPS GOING TO SUCCEED! R.E.T.A.I.N. – Keys to Distributor Retention There are six key areas that a company or upline can strengthen to ensure that new Associates find the resolve to continue their quest for success. These six areas can be identified with the word, R.E.T.A.I.N. : Relationship, Empowerment, Training, Affiliation, Inspiration, and Nurturing. * Relationship - Building a deep commitment based on need fulfillment. Relationship begins when two people connect based on mutual need fulfillment. The relationship deepens as the connection is reinforced by people being there for each other. It is imperative that we realize that relationships only deepen with continual connections as simple as just keeping in touch by making a personal phone call. When things get tough or discouragement sets in, without this vital relationship, people often just give up. * Empowerment - Providing the right tools and a system for success. Dreams rarely come true without the proper tools and a success system. You don’t hire someone to build a skyscraper and then give him a pick and shovel. Tools and systems must match the dream–the greater the dream, the more important the tools and system. Tools and a system are the vehicles for success. One of the reasons so many people give up and quit is they are trying to build dreams with sandcastle tools. * Training - Insuring this vital component is woven into the fabric of success. The key to any success is the training available to build resolve and skills to reach the dream. Training must be a vital part of any system, getting you to the top, and keeping you there. * Affiliation – Making sure the new associate feels he belongs. One of man’s deepest drives is to be a part of something where he feels significant and appreciated. This need for intimate community is one of the greatest bonding factors known to man. People are willing to make greater sacrifices to succeed when they have the power of community driving them. * Inspiration/motivation – Keeping the dream alive. We all run out of fuel during the week and need a strong dose of inspiration to pick us up and get us going again. Inspiration rekindles the fire, and refocuses back to the original dream. The inspiration can come from a meeting or a simple dinner with a few folks who share their dreams. * Nurturing – Providing support and encouragement. Nurturing is being there for someone on a continual basis. Nurturing is the process of providing the essentials for growth without waiting for someone to ask you. Parents don’t wait until a child comes to them and tells them she is hungry. Rather parents know that part of their responsibility is to make sure their child receives proper nourishment. Nurturing is providing a solid, reliable support system that provides the essentials for success. Success in this industry is not in finding the right person, but in becoming the right person. pm me or txt 09179696596
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 05:00:07 +0000

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