facebook...funny what it does to us...i was at walmart in the - TopicsExpress


facebook...funny what it does to us...i was at walmart in the people interaction line knowing it would be the slowest moving line there because i was in it, and as usual had the urge to try and get a smile from someone. turning to the lady behind me i said we might need to order a pizza to cover the wait. she was an older black lady, short, and very well dressed, and laughed out loud at the comment coming from a complete stranger at wally world...me being white, her black, not in ferguson, you know. we kidded a minute about how we couldnt stand the self checkout...she said she felt she was helping someone keep a job, i told her i just like hugs...and how technology had changed things. then the gentleman in front of me, wearing a vietnam veteran hat (thank you), chimed in stating he could eat some pizza. he was eating grapes from the bag they come in just as fast as he could. he said he had been craving grapes and i joked that they were going to have to weigh him instead of the bag if he didnt slow down. so there we sat...and older woman, a vietnam veteran, and myself...all with something in common...technology has affected our lives, and we dont like it. as i thought about the conversation and how i wondered if i would have been better off born in 1940, i realized i was also thinking of how some of my friends might get a kick out of it on facebook. facebook. facebook. i recently had a talk with someone about some of the things they had experienced on facebook. one incident in particular not too good to the point they had turned it off because of the hassle. so here i am...in my early 40s, wondering why i didnt take better care of myself in my late 20s, curious as to how many likes this silly walmart conversation might get! wow...i am an addict... with all the trouble in my life and the things i have to worry about, i am taking time away to post something on a social website that is a hotbed of rumors and gossip, the very things that cause so many problems in the first place. sure i realize people use it for keeping up, and catching up, and staying in touch with those far away. but i hear so many folks chatting about something they think they saw on facebook. really?! i have had people comment on the number of friends i have as if it is some game we fight to get high score. when i first got on here i was yesing every request i had. not for the count mind you, i just didnt pay attention to who some of them were. and people had to say something about it too as i suppose it is their job to be fully aware of everyones friends and relationships. as if me and natasha from russia ever had a chance! so to save the trouble, i have decided to post less about what i do in my private time and who i do it with. those closest to me seem to be there anyway. and to those family and good friends that i have had through the years that i rarely see, know that i love you, and i fully enjoy the fact that when we do meet, even for a few minutes by chance at some restaurant out of town, the strength of our friendship is shown in how the years disappear in the discussion of old times. to my fellow shooters...well i will see you regular anyways and it is always more fun to get picked at in person. will post pics of anna and my boy as usual, as my heart cannot contain the pride they make grow there, so it has to overflow somewhere...ta ta for now...say what you will...love to all, good day.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 04:28:35 +0000

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