(fade in) Landscape shots showing hauntingly beautiful ancient - TopicsExpress


(fade in) Landscape shots showing hauntingly beautiful ancient ruins. The suns light is barely visible through the darkened thick grey clouds. Sand storms and lightening in the distance. Very dark and depressing. ......................................................................................................................... Kids, men and women are all searching amongst the ruins in search of an ancient crystal/jewel. ......................................................................................................................... One of them finds the crystal/jewel thats in the form of a glowing yellow/orange/red sun. ......................................................................................................................... (music starts up) Celebrations begin, tears of joy and happiness sweep through the tribe of desperate Empyreans. ......................................................................................................................... They then give the sun crystal/jewel to the leader of the tribe who is wearing an old/early Emperor Steele inspired outfit. He is in the company of the Emperors friends from the Alive video. ......................................................................................................................... He then walks up to a solid gold statue of Emperor Steele which is overlooking the ancient ruins, the Emperors right arm is raised with his hand forming a fist. ......................................................................................................................... All the people from the Empyrean tribe are looking on with anticipation and hope. ......................................................................................................................... The Emperors friends give the leader of the tribe a nod thus signalling him to place the sun crystal/jewel into Lukes golden chest. ......................................................................................................................... 0:55 seconds in, the music fires up and there is a massive burst of energy that not only releases the Emperor from his golden prison revealing a more golden costume, crown and makeup but also clears away all the dark clouds, sand storms and lightning. ......................................................................................................................... Everyone bursts into joy and celebration as landscape shots reveal a more positive and happy scenery quickly turning the sky blue and the ground green with lush rainforests. ......................................................................................................................... Emperor Steele then opens his right hand to reveal a similar looking crystal/jewel only this time in the shape of a moon that is coloured a whitish blue. ......................................................................................................................... The Emperor looks at his friends with sorrow, they then point north which shows more doom and gloom in the distance. ......................................................................................................................... Trekking north they continue to spread love, hope, joy and happiness in their search for Lord Littlemore. ......................................................................................................................... Animals and humans are all looking on with smiles and gestures of great appreciation. ......................................................................................................................... Now on dusk they find Lord littlemore encased in ice, Luke places the crystal/gem into littlemores chest. ......................................................................................................................... 1:53 seconds in, Nick bursts out of his icy prison revealing a new look whilst happy Empyreans watch on as their kingdom is restored. ......................................................................................................................... Emperor Steele and Lord Littlemore are finally reunited as the scenery around them changes once more from bleak to beautiful with their friends looking on in awe. ......................................................................................................................... They all continue walking whilst their world is brought back to life, spreading love and positive vibes throughout their empyrean kingdom. ......................................................................................................................... 2:32 seconds in, suddenly darkness falls upon them, lightning, smoke and storms surround the Emperor, Littlemore and their friends. The darkness reveals himself, theres a sense of doom and uncertainty. ......................................................................................................................... 2:49 seconds in, Luke and Nick put the power of their two crystals together. ......................................................................................................................... Then.... 3:08 seconds in, Luke and Nick combine both their spiritual energies and transfer them into the crystals thus creating a massive sonic blast of colours and sound waves that effectively destroys the darkness. ......................................................................................................................... Final scenes involve Luke and Nick looking out over their gorgeous Empyrean kingdom, everyones lives are at peace, having had the darkness that shrouded their lives for so long banished. (fade out)
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 05:24:29 +0000

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