fasting on day of ashura is HARAM nd i can PROVE it , if u have - TopicsExpress


fasting on day of ashura is HARAM nd i can PROVE it , if u have GUTS to read my ds commnt FULLY nd answer me wd references.. I read in the book where it is written to fast on day of 9th d 10th moharram..NOW answer my questions. . i have read this book according to this book and this hadith .. its narrated by Ibn Abas,Abu Musa al Ashari, Abu Hurraira, Muawiya. the above hadith is meant to have been mentioned when the prophet arrived in Medina in the 1st year of Hijra. Hence, we will examine the activities of the narrators at that period of time. 1.Ibn Abas was four years old when the prophet arrived in Medina and the hadith was mentioned. Ibn Abas was born three years before Hijra. If we assume that he was with the prophet at Hijra and Ibn Abas heard every single bit of the narration, he would have been four years at that time. According to many scholars of hadith, a four year old child is not exactly the most reliable resource. Abu Musa al Ashari came from the tribe of Ashar in Yemen. He converted to Islam before Hijra and since that day till Khabar, he was no where to be seen. This is because the prophet sent him back to Yemen to spread the religion of Islam and consequently he could not have been with the prophet in the 1st year of Hijra since he was in Yemen. The first glimpse anyone had of Abu Musa was after Khaibar. Abu Hurraira converted to Islam in his early years and was only seen in Medina after Khaibar which occurred in the 7th year of Hijra. Now, if you weren’t even at the event, then how can you narrate what happened? Muawiya converted to Islam in the 8th year of Hijra which is seven years after the mentioning of the hadith relating to the fast of Ashura. Thus, can you label Muawiya as being a reliable source? #zain_rizvi
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 19:41:12 +0000

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