fg=ff1998bb>DIFFERENT KINDS OF FRIENDS HERE ON MY ACCOUNT... 1.THE UNHEALTHY They Always Have Stomach Ache, Headache, Backache Or Period Pains 2 to 3 Times A Months Just For Attention, It Funny How... Mmh is Facebook A Pharmacy now? 2.THE LIARS Lie About Their Age & Marital Status With Ridiculous Names Like...Candy Gal, Bootlicious, Miss Pee, blah blah... Whats that? 3.THE TRAVELLERS Today In America, Tomorrow Heading To Italy Are you A Minister Of Wild Life? 4.WEATHER FORECASTERS They Update Statuses Only When Its Cold Or Raining Like Now Im Freezing , where is my 2nd half? 5.THE PREACHERS Most Of Them Are Single, They Are Looking For A Spouse, They Act Holy But Their Lifes Are Messedup 6.THE CONFUSED They Are Married Today, Tomorrow Engaged , after 2 weeks single and happy ,Its Funny hey? 7.THE PEACEMAKERS These Ones Are Very Friendly, They Understand Others Efforts, they Say Thank you After Reading My Posts & Smiles These People Are Usually Very Rare To Find Am I Lying? 8.THE HATERS They Will Never Like Or Comment On Any Of your Post Except When They Have Something Negative To Say About What I Posted #pholaEish!!! 9. The NO SECRET ONES They will write about their relationships and who hurts them , or how they love their partners and even tag them... #willUTagThemAll since bengahlali? Those who are always posting pictures of them and their partners in bed, or kissing when you breakup with her you will start again and delete because no1 can allow ex in their partners album... :/ FROM YOUR KINDS:Im Cphiwe Masiya Rsa and Uniq Mag SA #can_we_get_30 likes and 3comment in 3 seconds
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 08:53:32 +0000

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