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fine-living-essentials/vanity-magazine-march-2014-issue/ This must be the woman whose age and circumstances you can never guess—yes, the one on the cover with pictures spread all over this page! Who’s that girl?—you may quip. The face on the cover is much, much prettier in person—her greatest asset? Her skin! I was surprised myself when I did the interview. I have seen lots of her photos, but believe me, nothing in her photos can compare to seeing her in person. To describe her skin as silky smooth and glowing white would be a statement of fact. And can you guess her age? She looks over a decade younger than her real age. Her face has no trace of aging, thanks to whatever her secret is. It has not always been that way—she admits. It all started in 2009, and the rest is history. Based on the cover photo and on the photos on this page, can you venture a guess as to her age? Do you think the lady is young and single, or do you think she is a family woman? Well, hear her confession before venturing a guess: “I’d got suitors in line during my grade school and high school days, had myone and only boyfriend who courted me for three years and we became steady for seven years…” I started my own family of 18 years at age 23; unfortunately, things didn’t work out, and life gave me five smart boys whom I consider the biggest blessings from that chapter of my life. Yes, five—she gave birth to one kid each year in all of seven years—all boys—ages 19, 18, 17, 16 and 13! Annabelle Tan certainly braved five caesarean childbirths for five consecutive years (except for the youngest), and for the most part of her early life, she was a housewife, a mother first and foremost. With those details, now it would be easier to guess her age. Double four—Annabelle is 44! You must be as surprised as I was when I found out. She bore her first child at age 24, now that wasn’t too early, but just right for motherhood. Looking like she does, she must be a whiz at handling life, though it must be a struggle for everyday routines, and she must have a beauty secret or two. Let’s find out. A GLIMPSE AT HER LIFE: THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, VALUES, AND DREAMS On Family I always value relationships with my family and friends, and with nature, humanity, and the elements, the energy that I have each day that can be applied to meaningful intentions and purposes in life. I am constantly learning, exploring and making self-discoveries each day, and this unveils a new wisdom. Family doesn’t always mean family by blood, but for as long as one is loved and accepted, and can be who they are, with no judgment, that is what I call FAMILY. On Being a Mother As a mother, looking at the world means that even on my worst, or my kids’, worst days, I see them as precious gifts from God and a means by which He causes me to cry out in dependence and wisdom…. thus another parenting goal for me: letting my kids enjoy life without me… a hard lesson, but one I am thankful to be moving past, one experience at a time… This comes along with the hardest thing about being a mom, the guilt that comes along with parenting. It’s gotten easier the more children I had; I had to learn that I was only expected to do my best. In whatever situation and stage of life we are in, we should be courageous to let go of what we can’t change, to always see the positive side of every situation, that no mother would want to be separated from her kids, that whenever she cannot reach them in her arms, her kids will always be in heart forever and she will always include them in her prayers. Her Inspiration My children, my mother’s voice in my own head, my friends and the thought of people who are dear to my heart. My children—they’re the best thing that ever happened in my life. They give me joy. They bring me back to the simplicity of the innocence of childhood. As we know, we parents are teachers, too; for me, as they grow up, I can say I learn from them, too… I’ve learned to let go and let them be the persons they ought to be…. I also pray a lot. It works! Other than them, I always look up to people who are there for others in any situation, especially those who don’t look at their schedules when they are needed the most. After all, one has never really lived until he or she has done something to anyone that can never be repaid. Life’s Lessons There are two things that I realized: one is not to compare oneself to another, in the same way that we do not compare our kids to other kids. Comparing can leave you feeling inadequate. We have our own journey to take, our own time to shine. We all have our own styles, talents and abilities. Thankfully I’ve encountered some blessed moments of clarity in my short years of being a mom, mostly out of pure exhaustion with trying to keep up. Another is that no one is perfect. Sometimes what we all need is the time to learn, to change; sometimes all I can manage is to give the best of what I am… sometimes I have days when I probably could have done better, but I know I still love my kids with everything I’ve got…and my deepest wish is for them to know it, too…. Her Dream My dream in general is to be content and happy…to live a more meaningful life and see the goodness that life brings… just that simple. I believe that success is not the key to happiness, but happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. I don’t have to prove anything to anyone; I just want to follow my heart and focus on what I want: to be grateful and happy with what I have. What is more important is what you have in our heart. What matters is a good heart, thus inner glow shines out. On Goals It’s good to have goals and the courage to take great opportunities when they arise, but sometimes it’s okay to stay and be content with who you are and what you are doing right now, that is, looking at the world and embracing what life has in store. Honestly, it took me a lot of courage to change and get to where I am now, to be okay. But I did, and right now, it was the best decision… Sometimes staying right where you are is the right place where you are supposed to be. THE SECRET OF HER BEAUTY—GLOWINGLY BEAUTIFUL & YOUTHFUL SKIN Health & Beauty Regimen I try going to the gym for yoga classes at least once a week. With the busy schedule I have, I try to get the exercise my body needs through walking around our village. I also try to get eight hours of sleep every day. I usually get more during weekends and get small naps within the day during weekdays. Breakfast is very important for me; I don’t skip meals, but I prefer taking light meals for lunch and dinner. I drink lots of water and eat fruits and vegetables with every meal. I usually take Vitamin C, too, after breakfast. Beauty Secret Shared I take Fine supplements before bedtime. Through time, I would say I cannot live without Fine. Taking Fine Hyaluron and Collagen Plus is a must for me and would not only supplement me with the moisture I need, but also help me age gracefully, getting the beauty out from within… I am very honored and proud to say that if it’s from Fine, it must be the BEST!!! Since I started taking Fine Hyaluron and Collagen in 2009, I also tried and trusted Fine line of cosmetics and I saw the wonders Fine line of products give. Now I use Fine Perfect All in one Gel day and night for maintenance, another product I’m proud of. How She Started with Fine It was August of 2009 when a collagen drink got my attention at SM Megatrade Hall. I gave it a try and, to my surprise, I learned that at the Fine booth was a familiar face I often saw at Fitness First: the president of Fine Nutrition Philippines, Imelda Tesalona. As I used the product Fine Hyaluron & Collagen, the more I got to know it, the more I saw the wonders it gives. I then started to recommend it to my relatives and friends, and it was easy to sell, because they all saw the effects of the product on me, and thus began my reselling online, just to kill time and get myself productive while my kids were in school. I later added other products, hence, the birth of my online shop, Fine Living Essentials. For the most part, I get my products from Imelda’s Fine Nutrition, which is a branch of ISO 9002 manufacturer Fine Company Japan. HER BUSTLING NEW LIFE, THANKS TO FINE She has appeared at the PTV 4 coverage of Watson’s Health and Wellness Fair; she’s been featured by Flavors magazine and has been appearing in Fine print ad starting 2013 and on television at Chinoy TV Net 25 with weekly exposure sustained until current year. She’s had more media exposures than these and has been in the lime light, whether for her beauty, or for what she has to say about Fine Hyaluron & Collagen as THE SECRET TO TIMELESS, FINE BEAUTY. This lady is absolutely very thankful to Fine Hyaluron & Collagen for being well admired now and she’s determined to make it her lifetime beauty secret. INSET STORY (MIDDLE OF CENTERSPREAD, CONTD. ON 3RD PAGE) A FINE Story—How It All Started ANNABELLE TAN’S AFFAIR WITH JAPAN’S FINEST ANTI-AGING AND BEAUTY SECRET The lady that Annabelle Tan encountered at SM Megatrade Hall back in 2009 at the Fine booth was non-other than the Fine Nutrition International president herself—Imelda Tesalona, RPh. She heads the Philippine branch of Osaka-based Fine Company, Japan’s leading player in its global nutraceutical industry. The focus product of Fine Company—Fine Hyaluron & Collagen—has been Japan’s best-held longevity and beauty secret these past five years. Pharmacist-wellness practitioner Imelda Tesalona shared, “I’ve read of accounts reporting that life span in Japan is among the longest in the world, and I’ve heard of a specific Japanese village that’s free from age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and that the substance that reportedly abounds in the food eaten in such a village is the moisture-retaining and age-defying Hyaluronic Acid, and what I discovered got me more than curious.” What bolstered her admiration for the substance and her resolve to do something was her research: “Fine Company Limited Japan, a manufacturer based in Osaka, which tapped the substance as its key ingredient in making Fine Hyaluron & Collagen, enjoys the highest Nutraceuticals, food and cosmetic production certifications in Japan; ISO9001, GMP and Organic JAS. Fine Hyaluron & Collagen alone has earned 1.6 Billion turnovers, and was conferred the Monde Selection Gold Award in the year 2011 in Brussels, Belgium.” “Looking back, I have no regrets that I was quick to register my new business—as early as February 2009—which started with humble sampling operations, starting with family and friends who immediately saw the effectiveness of the Hyaluron & Collagen sachets.” HOW IT ALL BEGAN Tesalona, who has been in the medical supplies importation for some time, being a learned pharmacist who’s abreast in wellness and longevity breakthroughs, readily saw the potential of the business of carrying the organically-produced products of Fine Company Limited Japan. That Fine is a respected Japan-based global corporate giant that has been producing the latest breakthroughs in anti-aging and beauty solutions capped by Hyaluron & Collagen is of common knowledge in its industry on a global scale. She shared, “Each one I gave samples to and those who pioneered in the Hyaluron & Collagen dealership had her or his own testimonial to share, some of them doctors of nearby hospitals; the testimonials are all about concrete manifestations of youthful qualities retained or recaptured, with varying ramifications—some claiming to have grown more sturdy nails and more radiant hair, to freedom from arthritic pains to firmer breast to lessening of wrinkles—they’re endless!” “We have distributors who need not open their mouths to sell the product to people who knew them before they used Hyaluron & Collagen; they themselves are the living, breathing testimonials—no need for sales pitch—Annabelle Tan is one of these.” Tesalona said that she shall always owe a debt of gratitude to the Japanese tycoon who gave her his trust and opened the doors to become exclusive distributor in the Philippines—no less than the Director of Fine Group Limited, HK, Mr. Hayashi whom she considers her mentor. “I would also like to thank my mom who always serves as an inspiration.” Fine Collagen & Hyaluron has been catching fire in the Philippines, with more and more people learning how by advance global standards, no longer does the world rely on just Collagen for its anti-aging-aesthetic solutions, with the more recent breakthrough heralded by Hyaluronic Acid. EFFECTIVENESS OF FINE’S FOCUS PRODUCT Fine’s Hyaluron & Collagen is reportedly several notches up in potency and effectiveness as Tesalona said, “Fine has gone beyond Collagen, but has kept Collagen, made more potent with a strong Collagen dose, plus the latest wonder: Hyaluron, and added yet more: Elastin, Vitamins C, Biotin and Pericoi.” She assured, “THERE IS NOTHING LIKE HYALURON & COLLAGEN IN THE PHILIPPINE MARKET: ONE ‘BEYOND COLLAGEN’, and one with a potent formulation: each 7-g single-serve daily dose of Hyaluron & Collagen sachet contains as all these in the amounts indicated: 60 mg Hyaluronic Acid, 5,200 mg Fish Collagen Peptide, 15 mg Elastin, 100 mg Vitamin C, 45 mcg Biotin, plus it contains Pearl Coix, which is essential in maintaining youthfulness of the skin.” Such is Tesalona’s strong guarantee on Fine’s focus product. She added, “The only one that is here is simply one that’s made of basically only Collagen, and at a lower dose. No wonder Fine has its hopes up in the Philippine market.” She disclosed, “In fact, Fine Hyaluron & Collagen, dubbed as edible cosmetic, is presented during the regular Post-menopausal Forum at St. Luke’s as a perfect supplement for HRT (hormonal replacement therapy), in view of its ability to retard aging signs and to beautify one’s skin and hair, as well as strengthen nails.” In several of such forums, key resource person, Dr. Joan Tan-Garcia, cited studies speaking of some 5.2 years of HRT having been found to have no correlation with increased breast cancer. Such was to allay fears of some people correlating cancer incidence with HRT. On the contrary, as explained “breast cancer mortality, according to findings, is decreased among postmenopausal hormone therapy users.” To continue, it was reported that, while taking hormone has been proven to have the benefit of replacing estrogen that has become deficient, taking Hyaluron & Collagen introduces into the body the key ingredients to kick off the cycle of making one gain a more youthful, more beautiful skin, not to mention, hair and nails, too.” The benefits are optimized, if along with HRT, a menopausal woman takes the extra mile in ensuring that her skin’s elasticity and youthfulness gets preserved over a longer period and becomes even smoother clearer, and more supple. Fine Hyaluron & Collagen, which may be enjoyed delectably when mixed with lukewarm beverages, is available in all Watsons outlets.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 14:54:43 +0000

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