firstly it seemed like i was seeing live titanic movie sequence, - TopicsExpress


firstly it seemed like i was seeing live titanic movie sequence, but few moments later it felt like pirates of the Caribbean. ok. starting from the first. this should be one of my memorable incident in my life and it happened on previous weekends as usual chadpur to dhaka journey over launch. uttering launch would be wrong for ROF ROF and MOYUR-7 because they are designed like ship and they have live rudder and used high-tech jet engines. it was near about 3 am. most of our passengers were sleeping in business class. nothing could be seen clearly for huge fog at the middle of the river. our ship unwarrantedly got a hard bump with a monstrous cargo. everybody became flushed with a hurry to get out from the hall. ship was swinging left to right dangerously. any kind of launch and the cargo could be sinked that day. when captain saw something very close like a bridge at mid-river in rudder but visually invisible he started back gear to stop the ship. when we came out from the hall we saw this monstrous cargo was stood still and swinging diagonally across the whole narrow river at narayanganj. a lot of fuel were spreading from that cargo like bleeding. up to this scene i was seeing titanic movie sequel. a bit later after understanding the situation of comfortable world our Moyur-7 inhabitants started Pirates of the Caribbean movie themselves. every body started throwing and attacking the cargo inhabitants by whatever they have, though most of those were bottle and bamboo piece in addition with filthy languages. we asked them loudly with serious anger why they were sleeping without any concern that their cargo is diagonally standby across the whole river. they were apologizing with fear that ebb-tide made that awkward position for using one side anchor.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 19:01:55 +0000

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