flashback/archive feature. Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights - TopicsExpress


flashback/archive feature. Big Brother 15 Live Feed Highlights – Sunday, July 21, 2013 10:30 AM BBT – Wake-up time. 10:39 AM BBT – Elissa tells Andy she was not drunk the night before. She says she was just joking around. 11:30 AM BBT – Andy thinks America is MVP. He says for every one fan Elissa’s sister has, she has two who don’t like her. So it would be easy for her to win MVP and be nominated by America the next week. 11:37 AM BBT – Judd asks the cameras if he should turn on McCrae and Amanda. 12:14 PM BBT – Candice thinks Elissa and Amanda are working together secretly and she still thinks Elissa nominated herself for eviction to throw people off. 1:39 PM BBT – Amanda and Elissa finally talk about why Elissa upset her last night. Amanda admits that she overreacted. 3:40 PM BBT – Aaryn and GinaMarie get in a bit of an argument. GM is tired of hearing that Elissa hates her from Aaryn. GM says she doesn’t care anymore. Aaryn asks her if she’s getting an attitude with her. 4:05 PM BBT – Now Kaitlin and Aaryn are kind of going at it. Kaitlin is asking her why she’s been saying things to the others about her. Aaryn says she is getting blamed for everything that’s happening in the game. 5:15 PM BBT – Judd is released from solitary confinement. 5:55 PM BBT – Candice and Elissa are discussing what they don’t like about Amanda and Aaryn. 6:25 PM BBT – Judd tells Amanda some people are speculating she’ll be the third nominee after the veto ceremony. 6:40 PM BBT – Spencer tells McCrae that people want Amanda out. 6:58 PM BBT – Spencer and Amanda are talking about the MVP twist and who they think it is or isn’t. 7:05 PM BBT – McCrae finally tells Amanda to not play so hard because people are starting to put a target on her back. He also says Spencer said Elissa is going to try to take them out. 7:10 PM BBT – Spencer offers a new group alliance with Howard, Judd, and Andy. They all say they’re interested and trust one another. 7:21 PM BBT – McCrae tells Helen he’s worried for him and Amanda and he thinks Elissa is trying to get them out. Helen tells him not to worry. But Helen isn’t being very honest. 8:00 PM BBT – Helen goes to bed as part of her punishment curfew. 8:30 PM BBT – McCrae and Amanda go on their “date.” 8:55 PM BBT – McCrae proposes to Amanda with a wedding ring her made. 9:14 PM BBT – Judd and McCrae think GinaMarie is mad over McCrae and Amanda’s “engagement.” 9:25 PM BBT – McCrae, Andy and Judd reveal to each other that Spencer and Howard made alliances with them separately. 9:36 PM BBT – Judd and Andy say they’d rather Kaitlin to go over Aaryn. McCrae says that works for him and Amanda wants that also. 10:10 PM BBT – Spencer talking with GM about upcoming Veto renom. Spencer still thinks Elissa nominated herself to confuse the house. They wonder if they have the votes to control the eviction if Amanda goes up on the block. 11: 40 PM BBT – Judd advises Aaryn on how to get through this week’s eviction. He wants her to make nice with Elissa and fake an interest in her. 1:15 AM BBT – Judd says it was suspicious that Elissa seemed excited about playing for the Veto after being stressed the first two times she was nominated. Andy still thinks it was America that did the MVP voting. 1:45 AM BBT – Andy reveals to Amanda that Spencer tried to pull together a new guys alliance with Howard, Judd, and him. 2:10 AM BBT – Amanda is back to talking about Howard and how dangerous and deceitful he is in the game and needs to go. 2:45 AM BBT – Amanda tells McCrae that if she’s nominated he needs to watch faces and reactions so they can figure out who is the MVP. Right now it’s sounding like Kaitlin is the most at danger of going home this week. But Elissa did win the Power of Veto and will use it on herself, so the person with the next number of votes from America will go up. Will that change things enough to get Kaitlin off the radar? The Veto Ceremony will be held midday today. CBiscuit #CBiscuit013 #BB15 #Livefeeds #AarynGries #BBCANwatchingBBUSA
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 18:18:59 +0000

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