follow on post inbox: follow on post from the other day please - - TopicsExpress


follow on post inbox: follow on post from the other day please - about the 32 weeks and having lots of PTL ( pre term labour) symptoms - phone midwife( taken me two days to get hold of her ) and her response was the painful lump in my armpit is milk clogging up, the dehydration means I need to drink more -.- the hardening and softening of my stomach is baby moving about & the back pain to take some.paracetemol, should I go to the hospital to get checked or should I just ignore it like the midwife has said, really confused have contacted 111 & been told twice that I am in labour before (28weeks & 30weeks) so dont really like contacting them x x steph x
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 16:37:26 +0000

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