food is killing this world i have heard many theorys about the - TopicsExpress


food is killing this world i have heard many theorys about the most atrocious tribulations to befall man; from religion, plagues, wars, n genocide. thou all of these calamities have caused great amounts of destruction an death; i feel nothing has caused more death then humans learning to mass produce food! ever since mankind has learned to plant seeds we have sought a way to produce better more efficient crops, whether through gene-splicing, cross breeding, fertilization, or transplanting. because of all these genes being crossed and intermingled man has created a vast amount of unknown and unwanted atrocities of nature. this then progressed into our meat supplies not only thru wild animals are we eating these new plants but bc were feeding it to the tamed ones/ our live stock; the average weight of a chicken(alive n whole) in 1950 was around 8lbs now days chickens are upwards of 25lbs. by introducing these genetically modified plants into our daily food source n our live stocks we have begun to change our very own genetic codes(unknowingly an with unknown ramification); thru this process many disease have formed that were non-existant. for instance the human body was never meant to drink any other form of milk other then our mothers, our bodies are not designed to process this, this is why 75% of all ppl become lactose intolerant(Japanese are 86%). our species was design to be hunter gatherers an live off of simple things like meat, nuts, an berries; not complex foods that have multiple ingredients, n definitely not genetically modified meat(animals on roids n fatting agents). as of right now there are approximately 8.6 billion ppl on this planet and our food supply is enough to feed 12.7 billion so there is absolutely no need for Gmos, an yet Monsanto is growing at a drastic rate. Monsanto is a government organisation then specifies in gene manipulation trying to create more readily available food, to supply the masses. not only are they funded by the gov but they are also funded by companies such as mcdonalds; in order to serve such a high demands at such a low price companies like mcds are always searching for cheaper products an not just cheaper whole sale products but by products as well. its a proven fact that chicken nuggets are not chicken meat, their hamburgers are meat 3rd world countries wont feed to their ppl but after spraying it with ammonia n recoloring the meat they serve it in America. slowly Gmo is making its way to mainstream media on just how bad it is for you but in the mean time 60% of all produce sold around the world(not fresh produce) is Gmo based/made. not only that but most fresh produce is covered in pesticides, grown in fertilizer or cleaned in chemicals that would outright by themselves kill you. since the 50s the rate of cancer has quadrupled, this is not a contagious disease so if we are not getting it from eachother the only other source is what we intake. with products like tropicana claiming to be 100% real fruit juice ppl are thinking they are taking healthy substances but the truth is, tropicana fresh orange juice labels itself as fresh orange juice(so do many others) these products all contain less then 1% real juice, this goes for almost all fruit drinks! but bc it has a drop of orange juice in it they can misrepresent. one if the biggest reasons obesity is becoming an issue is not bc we are eating large amounts of food or bc we are becoming less active; its our nutrition! have you ever wonder how health nuts n fitness junkies have the energy to work n work plus work out? its because of how they fuel their bodies plain an simple, if you eat right you have more energy!!! more energy means a more productive person, if you body has to work harder to break down these complex foods then its going to drain your energy supply. not only that most of the ingredients in such foods get turned into fat which also slows the body down/ making youfeel fatigued; the right foods can heighten your mood, fight negative emotions, prevent flus, kills most harmful bacteria, fight diseases. but we have come to a point in time where ppl are in such a hurry to get nowhere an do nothing bc they dont feel up to it that they supplement good nutrition for fast food due to convience. gmos are killing this world! and ppl have become to fat an lazy to care, nor do they have the ambition to do anything about it!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 02:19:51 +0000

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