for all our left behind beleevers.... the Shiva Hypothesis, in a - TopicsExpress


for all our left behind beleevers.... the Shiva Hypothesis, in a marriage of astronomy, geology, and radio dating proves the earth is older than Ussher, EGW or Moses were told..... in the late 90s....young earth creationism was dealt a final blow... when Michael Rampino and some associates put together evidence from astronomy, geology, and biology with radio dating and extinctions, continental drift and paleography.. and formulated the Shiva Hypothesis..;. which seems to explain so much more than Genesis scroll down to the the chart where one finds 5 separate ET impacts which were originally dated by separate methods to around 200-220 myo... by separate researchers, who never linked them together... until Rampino ran the movie of the drifting continents backwards the same 200,000,000 yrs, and found out that the impacts all landed on a straight line... as tho a fractured meteorite or comet had hit, and the continents later moved away... supporting the dating methods of both the the impacts, the continents with their tectonic movements, and the fossils they contain which provide additional confirmatory dating information. then look at the chart showing impacts,vulcanism and extinctions... and note the correlations.... showing not only that creation did not occur 6000 yrs ago, but that creation has been an ongoing ..evolving...thing for mega years... seemingly every 30+ million years...which corresponds to planetary physics suggestion that our solar system bounces up and down thru the plane of our milky way like a hobby horse ... exposing us to more impacts as we travel up or down thru the thickest part of the disk... the bad news? 65 myo was the big dino snuffing impact at Chixulub... 35+/- myo were proposed impacts in Chesapeake Bay and Popigai....meaning, buckle your seat belts.......we may be overdue on that 30 mil year cycle for the next Big One.... none of this means that wannabeeleevers cannot try to shoehorn an Intelligent Designer in there somehow.... but it does suggest that a new understanding of the ancient stories of the desert nomads might be in order.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 16:52:17 +0000

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