for as long as I can remember my father loved the Redskins the - TopicsExpress


for as long as I can remember my father loved the Redskins the Orioles and the Republican Party (in that order). My dad taught me the important reasons to do things; reasons like because I said so and I brought you into this world... yadda yadda... unsurprisingly from an early age I became a 49ers and giants fan and eventually a libertarian. as I grew older I realized that my choice to join the libertarian party came from a deep seeded conviction, my choice of sports teams were a bit of a rebellion. the other thing I learned as I grew from a boy into a man was my deep love for the city of Washington DC. my love for the city drew me into my new love of hockey and joining caps nation. I wouldnt say Im a big fan of the wiz but I did watch my first games of NBA basketball when agent 0 took us into the playoffs. now I followed baseball much more than I followed basketball and I felt a close bond(no pun intended) to my giants like any true sports fan does when my heart got ripped out by the God damn rally monkey, so when the Nationals came to town it was not love at first sight. for some reason back in 2012 I decided I wanted to watch more baseball which in this market meant I was going to watch a LOT more nats games than Giants games. as the season went on I started finding myself more and more torn about which team I liked more. like some sort of college freshmen girl I was torn between two loves, the high school sweet heart whom I had so much history with or the new guy who I spend so much more time with now. when October came of that year I considered buying a morse jersey so I could cut my wilson jersey in half and sew them together to display more split allegiance but alas fate had other plans. during the NLDS series between the nats and cards two things happened that have forever bonded my heart to my hometown team: this and then the very next game when my boy storen pitching on no rest blew a 3 run lead with two outs. maybe to some Im not a good fan, but all a fan can do is give all their heart and the Nationals stole mine and there is no turning back #natitude #lamestthingihaveeverwritten Gary Coby Kenny Newberry Justin Hillman Jason Sullivan
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 04:08:28 +0000

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